
Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     June 16, 1862. Regiment went aboard the steamer Iberville, on a trip up the river for provisions, wood, etc, and to see if any guerrillas were about.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 16-Monday
     Weather tremendous warm.
     I reported for duty to day.  went over to Quarters and had not been over there but a short time when orders came to pack up and move, on board the Iberville at 1 O Clock P.M. Col Dudley says as I have been sick he must leave me here in charge of the sick men who will have to be left behind, I have Serg’t Brooks Capt Burr among them I have over 100 men and not a well man in the whole lot. I would not value a month pay to have gone with my Reg’t for to be left behind is awful to say nothing of the responsibility connected with it. I have charge of the building, the Hospital, the grounds and all the Comp baggage in the Regiment and will probably have to move it all to where the Regiment goes to when we get orders, but I must take things as they come I suppose and put up with whatever orders. I receive a good soldier has to do nothing but obey orders. Capt Shipley has gone with the Company, the first duty he has done for sometime, the Regiment left here at about 5 P.M up the river. Capt Brown arrived here just in time to go up with them so now Col Dudley has all his companies under his command once more.

Corpl. B.B. Smith:
     Monday 16
     Fine again.  everything still in
     And around the city.  at noon we
     Got [?] heavy marching orders.
     Packed our knapsacks.  i took
     My extra clothes & put in the Co
     Box.  went on board the fine
     Steamer Iberville.  and about 3
     Miles up the river.  and tied up
     Opposite a large plantation.  our
     Cooks went on shore and made
     Coffee which we had on the boat.
     We have 1/2 of the 6th Battery with

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 15-Sunday
     Wrote a letter to my wife in answer to the one I recieved from her last night so seldom I do get one straight that I will answer immediately even if I had written this morning instead of yesterday.
     the Hartford has gone up the river this morn and our Mortar fleet have nearly all gone up by it looks as though they expected work up above, by the preparations. the Reg’t is under orders to go up tomorrow I think I will be able to go up with them. shall try it anyhow.
     It has extreme hot day one of the hotter of the season. Capt remains about the same; I am not strong and do not know as I ever will be in this debilitating climate, there is nothing in the atmosphere to build a man up at all.
     Food does not seem to strengthen a man at all or do him any good. Medicine is a humbug in anyplace but here more than any other.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday, June 15, 1862.
     Very fine.  i got a letter last night
     From sarah and a box from home
     To day all the eatibles in it were
     Wholly spoilt but the tobacco and
     Medecines with the paper envelopes
     Ink & were all right and very
     Acceptable.  there has some mortar
     Boats and other war vessels gone up
     The river.  a number of river boats
     Have come up to day.  we have good
     News from our army all round.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 14-Saturday
     Another very warm day
     A big mail to night, went over to Quarters and got two letters from Jane dated May 27th 25th this is the first time I have ever gotten any letters from her direct. a number of papers of later dates from the North came in this mail. Jane sends me her card, I will call. They say that McClellan has Richmond, Halleck has taken Cornith, and Memphis has also been taken this opens the Miss. river with the exception of Vicksburg, which will soon be in our possession. Hartford and our Mortar fleet tomorrow for operations.
     President Lincoln has raised 50,000 or issued a proclamation calling that number of Volunteers for the war, this is instead of calling for the Militia, as was at first intended. In Mass they have had a tremendous excitement, by the rumor of Banks defeat and stopped danger to the Federal Capitol. Lowell rallied in all her force once more, but their men are not needed and have been returned to their homes, and Volunteers for the war called for in accordance with the above proclamation. Now see if they will turn out, this is what tries their Pluck. no the old 6th goes home 8 months frightens them and they show their backs, and go back like whipped dogs, shame, shame, the Gallant 6th is no more.
     Wrote to Jane and Mother this morning before I got my letters.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday 14
     Fine again.  had to turn out to
     Drill at 5 Ock & Drill till 1/2 after 6
     Give us a good appetite for and
     There is a number of Steamers
     Gun boats & Mortar boats with
     3 Men of war here going up
     To Vicksburg to have a ball with
     The rebels and we expect to go with
     Them.  they mean to keep us busy
     I Think.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 13-Friday
     Weather tremendous warm and mos-quitos thick enough and nearly large enough to carry a man off.
     Feel quite well to day went over to quarters and stopped nearly all day the Regiment are expecting orders to move up the river shortly.
     Rumor here that McClellan has had a big fight near Richmond. Hope it is true, but we hear so many rumors that we do not believe anything we do hear lately.
     Captain Shipley does not seem to get any better, is continually ailing not very sick but still not able to do anything. is weak and has no appetite goes out to dinner and when he comes back he is all used up, has to lay down and rest.
     Whit is tough and hearty has done all the work since we have been in Baton Rouge. It is hard for him but cannot be helped just now I shall return to duty in a few days I think. though the doctor says don’t hurry.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 12-Thursday
     Went over to Quarters and wrote up my journal to the first day of June, and it tired me a considerable it is more work than I have done for a long time before.
     Capt laying on his back and not able to do anything Whitcomb doing gaurd duty. Picket duty Drilling and working like a tiger all the time still feels well and is smart as a trap.
     News is at a discount and I have nothing worth writing to day. will go back and lay down and get well and go to work once more then the time will pass away a little quicker I think for the days are tremendous long stopping here and nothing to do. am anxious once more to get to work.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Thursday, June 12, 1862.
     Fine again.  our company
     Fell in and marched about 5 miles
     Out on picket duty.  the march was
     Hot and dusty.  the dirt is about 3
     Inches deep in the road.  our duty
     Is on a road visited by & occupied
     By some of the head guerillas we
     Have taken possession of some of
     Their plantations & moved their
[Listed under Friday 13, continues June 12?]
     Darkeys & Sugar and Cattle &c.
     And then burn their buildings
     As that is there play where they
     Go.  i had a first rate time in
     Woods getting berries which are
     Very plenty & large here.  their
     Picket duty has some sport in it
     And there is a good deal of danger
     If a fellow dont keep his eye open.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:
     Baton Rouge, June 11, 1862.
     I wrote a short letter a day or two since. Now, as I have more time, I will write again. I am right glad we have left New Orleans, for, 1 assure you, it is not a pleasant place to live in, and we could not be located in a healthier situation than we have here. Yet, in my opinion, a move will soon be made up the river, perhaps to Vicksburg. The fleet are now arriving from below and, undoubtedly, we shall join them. I don't care how far up we go, for then the chances will be more favorable for us to go home by way of land, when the army is disbanded. An alarm was sounded last night, and the long roll was beat. The boys were in line, ready to march.
     I have but little to do except when on the march. A nice large tent, with a green carpet, is at my disposal, and I live principally on milk, which is very good here. I learned to-night that General Banks had been driven back towards Baltimore. I am afraid this call for more troops and Banks's retreat will tend to keep us in service longer. I received your two letters of May 18 and 19 this afternoon, and was glad to get them. Lizzie and Fran. are to teach! I hope I may arrive home at a future day to visit them in their schools. While I am writing this the band is playing in front of the State House. This is a large building, surrounded by gravel walks and beds of flowers, from which beautiful bouquets are plucked. I expect we shall go up the river within a week. Hoping you are all well, I remain


2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 11-Wednesday
     Very warm and still no Rain. river still high and it is feared that the river will over run the banks of the Levee on June freshet in that case the damage will be fearful.
     Startling news from Gen. Banks division removed defeat of a portion of his army, he crosses the Potomac and runs most of his bag-gage train, his men are murdered all along the route dead men’s heads cut off and wounded men bayonited by the rebels, at Bulls Run and Balls Bluff.
     Tremendous excitement North the old sixths once more on her way to vindicate Mass honor. 2nd Battery Infantry Boston ready to go, and a complete tumult of everybody and all anxious to go for to fight but how many will be more anxious to return.
     7th Vt. Reg’t arrived here to day 2 Men of War gone up the river and an attack expected immediately on Vicksburg.
     Read Gov. Andrews answer to the Presidents call for troops a Black Abolition document endowing Gen Hunters Pro-clamation. Gov. Andrews has changed his mind it would seem and orders out all troops in Mass. to proceed im-mediatly to Washington independent companies, Regiments, Battalions, and Batterys. everything that can be raised.
     John Foster returned to duty to day looks much better

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Wednesday 11
     Fine morn.  there was 3 men of war
     And 2 gun boats arrived here yesterday
     The river boats Laurie Still[?] here
     And Sunny South Come up from
     Orleans since yesterday morn.  the
     Missisippi left here for N Orleans
     This morn to coal up.  there was
     2 river steamers from Orleans to
     Day.  I got 2 papers from home.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 10-Tuesday
     Hot day again as usual almost scorchs a man as he walks through the streets.
     Went over to Quarters to see Captain the first time I have been over since I went to Hospital. found Captain down on his back and quite sick.
     Wrote home to Jane about poor Harvey Wood’s death and enclosed a letter from the Doctor to his Father. His folks will feel this blow badly.
     Sergeant Major under arrest for insulting language to Adjutant.
     Adjutant returned to duty to day. I would I could have returned to duty with him but must needs wait a few days longer.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Tuesday 10
     Another fine day.  we were called out
     Last night about 1 Ock by the long
     Roll.  after we got in a line it did
     Not amount to anything.  There was
     A Steam Frigate & Side wheel Steamer
     Come up the river last night.  we
     Expect some fun soon up the river.
     There is a report that the Col of the Wis
     Regt was shot last night By the guerillas

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 9-Monday
     Very warm as usual.
     I am feeling a little better to day than I have been walked up to barbers and got my beard taken off the farthest I have been from Quarters since we took prisoners of Capitol.
     Col Wisconsin Regiment while out on a scouting expedition got a sever shot in side and arm by Guerrilla, who came on to them put spurs to their horses and road away but not until one of their number was shot and 2 captured, which were brought in and will have the benefit of a trial by Court Marshall I hope will be hung for shooting is to honorable a death for such men.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Monday, June 9, 1862.
     Fine but rather cool.  the boys
     Move as if they felt tired after
     Their Expedition but we have to
     Day to clean up and get rested in.
     We expect to go scouting again soon
     There is some Companys going up
     To Old Castles[?] to day to get the Cattle
     & sheep & about 200 hhds. of Molasess
     & Sugar & Burn all the Buildings.

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 8-Sunday
     Tremendous hot day.
     Our Regiment returned at about 4 P.M. and have had perfect success. found their dwelling, but not the band took their Niggers some men women and children 35 to 40 horses & mules and some of them very fine. a large lot of cattle, sheep Geese, ducks & c. burned their houses to the ground and returned evidently leaving their marks behind them. Whit came down in change of the baggage train consisting of some 5 teams of 4 mules each and 2 or 3 with one each, loaded with Niggers and their effects. Niggers singing and evidently having a good time. they also brought some 3 prisoners, Guerillas who I hope will be shot for this barbarous mode of warfare is against the laws of all nations and will never be recognized by anyone. A man with the descriptive powers of Dickens’ would made a happy picture of this little thing.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Sunday 8
     Washed Up this morn after 2 hours out
     Picked a few berries and turned round
     And back a piece and turned up another
     Road to a plantation where they had
     Taken a Lieut prisoners who belonged
     To a cavalry that had troubled our
     Folks some.  we took everything we could
     Find.  Horses Mules niggers & cattle
     We loaded the teams with sugar & other
     Truck.  took the woman children[?]
     The colonel give liberty to help
     Ourselves to anything but personal
     Property.  the way the boys went
     Into the poultry[?] was amusing
     Some was picking[?] & cooking.  ducks
     Geese chickens. others getting sugar
     & Molassess & making hasty pudding
     After we was already for a start
     We got orders to burn the whole
     Nest[?] house Burns Sugar House
     And all.  it made a fine fire.
     We got back to quarters about
     6 Ock all well but tired.  we took
     60 Mules 20 horses about 100 head
     Of cattle with waggons Carts & goods
     Of all sorts.  we paid that man
     Off in his own coin.  there was
     Another one above cleared out
     Saturday night.  it is a game
     They have played considerable in
     This section on their Union
     Neighbors.  now there turn has
     Come we will see how they like it
     Some would think this fine business
     For Sunday. but it had to be done.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 7-Saturday
     Weather very warm and pleasant.
     This is the most sorrowful day for me since I joined the Regiment, for to day there is some chance of a little brush with the enemy and I obliged to lay abed & see them go away and leave me behind.
     The 30th Regiment 8 Companies. 2 Comp Wisconsin 6th [perhaps the 4th?]  and 2 sections of [---] Battery start out under command of Col Dudley of 30th Mass Vols to capture a band of Guerrillas who have infested this region ever since our forces landed here. shoot-ing our picquets, and occas-sionally rushing by into town even to our gaurd house firing a volly and retiring. so we are ordered to take some little notice of them.
     Oh how I wanted to go with them and see the fun, but no this pleasure is denied me and I as well as the Adjutant Dimon have been left here to mourn. I hear also that Capt Shipley was not able to go and is left in charge at the Hall. Lt. Lovring is detailing in my place.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday 7
     A fine morn.  we go on guard duty
     Today.  there is 5 of our men left at
     Orleans in the genl. Hosp.  had Marching
     Orders and fell into line about 1/2 past
     5.  1 Div of Nims battery & 6[?] of our Companys.
     We marched back into the country about
     8 miles to a rebel plantation & took
     Possesion of the whole place.  Niggers
     Mules horses cattle and regular[?] house[?]
     The owner was a leader of a party
     Of Guerillas who was investing[?] the
     Country alround.  We took possesion
     And made his overseer have all the
     Teams hitched up and loaded the darkeys
     And their stuff and started on the
     Back track.  we marched till about
     2 Oclock in the morn when we

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 6-Friday
     Weather warm as ever
     Capt came in to see me this morn and brought a letter and some papers from Jane the letters dated April 10th they came in a box from Mrs. Shipley. Jane says she sent me 6 packages I have only got one of them as yet. the rest I may get some time it all is to be seen. But the joy it gives me to get a letter from my wife although two months old no one can tell unless situated in similar circumstances.
     I am as yet no better and am almost discouraged. but it will not do, I must keep up my courage or go under, and I am not prepared to do that here in this condemned country.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Friday, June 6, 1862.
     Fine again.  one of Co. B. was shot by
     A picket on guard.  he did not blame any
     body as he was fooling the sentinel he is
     Dead the ball passing through his right
     Breast.  the steamer Diana came up the
     River last night.  the Steamer
     Saxon come up from Orleans with
     Stray soldiers & baggage for our regt.
     Regt. guard duty for our comy to mor-

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 5-Thursday
     Weather fine as usual but roads getting very dusty from having no rains for so long a time.
     News and events to day are dull and I can find nothing to write of interest am still sick and no prospects of being well very soon.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Thursday 5
     A pleasant day.  we had a fine
     Time on picket yesterday.  we
     Had all the Black Berries we could
     Eat.  we got back about 9 this
     AM. and all hands went down
     To the ranche[?] and had a good bath
     And i washed my shirt & socks.
     Old lovett agreed to meet our
     Folks last night But did not do it
     A flat boat passed down the river.

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 4-Wednesday
     Weather very warm and pleasant to day as usual I still on my back in Hospital.
     Got a letter from my mother and it was at least one bright spot in my sickness. Oh, how much pleasure it gives one to hear from home when thousands of miles away and impossible to hear from them.
     From my wife I have not heard for some little time but am waiting patiently for a letter and know it is not her fault. I have none often from her for she assures me that she writes every week at least and I must wait.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Wednesday 4
     A Fine day.  We went go out on picket
     Guard to day.  we go out about
     3 Miles into the woods and
     Stay 24 hours.  there is a report
     That lovett and an army of
     Rebels are out at Camp Moore.
     If they come here we will
     Be ready for them.  we found[?]
     Everything still out on pickett.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 3, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 3-Tuesday
     Weather fine but very warm news is not much. at least not to me for lying here on my back it can’t not come to me and I cannot go out to find news.
     Mustard poultice on my bowels to remove the very intense pain. I find I am pretty sick but am in hopes that I shall soon get over it.
     Capt is not much better than I am but is so as to do some little duty am in hopes he will keep up at least until I get around for Whitcomb is now doing all the work and I fear he will not hold out long at that rate.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday, June 3, 1862.
     A fine day.  everything still except
     The drilling of the soldiers the citizens
     Appear quiet and well disposed.
     Nims battery came here sunday.
     Our regiment have enough
     With picket patrols & regimen-
     tal guard duty.  we all like here
     Very well.  i wrote to Mary &
     Lydia yesterday.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     June 2, 1862. Landed and quartered in the State House, over which we raised the Stars and Stripes. During our stay, expeditions were sent outside the lines, which captured stock, provisions and prisoners. This is a pretty place and healthy.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 2-Monday
     Clear and beautiful day though very warm, but how much more pleasant than N.O.
     we are now on high ground at least and no doubt our health will be much better.
     Our Company has come in this morning from Piquet duty the first they have ever done. and it was the first time I have been so that I could not go with them. and I hope this will not last long.
     While I am writing the McClellan has come up the river with the 9th Conn Reg’t one of our best and no getting clear of it the story in N.O. is that the Mass 30 & Conn 9th can drink more rum and do more fighting than any 2 Reg’ts in the service, and I guess it is so.
     Comp.A detailed on Patrol duty to day. Co. D. & H. are on Piquet and B. on gaurd so we have now only 5 Comp. for duty to day.
     Went into the Hospital to day have some Chills, much Diarrhea and some Rheumatism, and am pretty well used up all though, for the first time & I hope the last.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Monday 2
     A fine day.  there is a party of
     Guerillas prowling round the outside
     Of the city.  a ???? to the citizens but
     They wont stay long our troops are
     Getting rather plenty all around here
     Above & below.  this is a fine place
     It is a great deal higher than the
     River and the air is better than
     It is down N Orleans way.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     June 1, 1862. Arrived in the evening.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
      June 1-Sunday
     Weather cloudy and unpleasant
     Landed at Baton Rouge at 10 ½ AM and put the stars and Stripes on the Capitol of La. the Senate & Representations rooms where a little more than one year ago Louisiana was voted out of the Union are now occupied by the troops of the 30th Mass Regiment.
     It is a splendid building built a little after Gothic style, built of Brick covered with mortar and bears good evidence of the mark-manship of our gunners from the fleet in the shape of Grape shot holes in the front walls. Our Comp & Comp A Officers occupy the room of the secretary of State. Found lots of Blank Commissions for La. Volunteers all signed by Gov. Moore. filled out one and sent to Leonard Brown of Citizen & News office of Lowell. We find a very fine painting of our old flagg over the Speakers chair in Representative Hall. Strange it should have been allowed to remain. A beautiful Statue of Washington cut in marble an excellent piece of work stands in the Dome, pictures of Clay, Webster, Franklin and more all of our big men adorn the walls. the grounds around the house are beautifully laid out and full of flowers of al kinds, in full blow, really beautiful sight and such a one as we seldom see north even in midsummer perfectly lovely.
     The inhabitants seem to most of them have left town or City as they call it here. wrote letters to Jane, Deacon Brown H.C. Drew, and sent by Lieut Farsons. also one to Nell.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday, June 1
     Looks like rain.  the steamer Ceres[?]
     Took our regt on shore where we
     Were formed in a line and marched
     To the State House where we were
     To be quartered.  we threw the good
     Old flag to the breeze amid 9 heartey
     Cheers and music from the band.
     We had a battalion drill this PM.
     I have got a fine birth and desk.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 31, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 31-Saturday
     A very hot day and any quantity of business on hand.
     I am about used up already am worked way down thinner than for years before.
     Arrested Murray at 4 O.C. PM put him in Custom house and was on my way back to report when I thought I would stop and eat dinner went in, and found orders to move right away up the river somewhere, we expected into a fight.
     Got away from the City at 11 ½ O Clock PM steamed up the river and in good sprits but myself in poor health 7 ½ O Clock PM. we came to Anchor opposite Baton Rouge Col Dudley went ashore for orders and finds we are to land here, with both Regiments, Indiana 21st & our own.
     Our Band has enlivened our voyage, very much indeed and is quite an addition to our Regiment they are all Germans and enlisted in New Orleans 12 pieces and fine musicians to.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Saturday, May 31, 1862.
     Fine again sailing along finely
     There is some very handsome places
     Along the sides of the river.
     We don't know just where we
     Are agoing.  at 5[6?] Oclock. we
     Dropt anchor opposite the city
     Of Baton Rouge the Capitol of
     Louisiana a very pleasant and
     Healthy looking place.  there is
     2 Gun boats here.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     May 30, 1862. We went aboard the steamer Mississippi, and proceeded up the river to Baton Rouge.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
      May 30-Friday
     A tremendous hot day and my work has been hard have traveled a great deal am almost as familiar now with the Orleans city as with Lowell.
     At 4 O Clock P.M. Succeeded in arresting the Murray who I have been looking for since yesterday morning. put him into the Custom house and stepped into Quarters to get my dinner before making a report. found the Company had been ordered away and were packing up to leave I eat dinner and packed my things and at 6 O Clock was on board Mississippi steaming up the river and once more attached to the Regiment, probably will never be detached again.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Friday 30
     Fine day. with some dust.  got
     Off guard duty at 5 oc. this morn
     Got orders to pack up ready
     To leave at 4 oclock.  at 4 left
     The hall marched round the streets
     To the levee embarked on board
     The transport Missisippi at
     12 Oclock she started up the River.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:
     New Orleans, May 29, 1862.
     I have received the letters sent by Lieutenant Johnston and Captain Clark. I saw, after Colonel Dudley arrived, that Governor Andrew would commission the officers of this regiment. I never wanted the Quartermaster's position, for it is one that no man living ever filled to the satisfaction of a regiment, and again, it is a staff appointment. I want a Second Lieutenancy. I don't care to what regiment I may be appointed, if I am only commissioned. A private who was in the 19th Regiment, on the Potomac, was commissioned in ours, and has joined it; all the result of influence. You seem to be afraid to have me enter as a line officer, lest I may be killed or suffer hardships. Folks at home are ignorant of war. You must understand that there is a vast difference between an enlisted man and a commissioned officer. If the one chooses to resign he can do so, the other is held. I acted as Lieutenant from the time the regiment began to recruit until it was organized, which would aid me a good deal in procuring a position as Lieutenant. I spoke to Captain Haggerty the other day, but he said all was helter-skelter now, by and by it would be different.
     I have just read the papers of May 16, which did me good. The time will not be long distant ere peace will be declared. Texas cattle have been cut off from the enemy at Corinth, by our gunboats on the river. Deserters state they are suffering for food. Everything is quiet in the city. I met an old schoolmate to-day; he belongs to Nim's Battery. The ship North America sails to-day. Lieutenant Farson will go home, as he is not commissioned, but he deserves to be. I sent thirty-five dollars home on the "Undaunted," by Adams' Express. Have you received it?


2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 29-Thursday
     Very warm to day and more oppression than at all prior.
     my work to day has been very severe, recieved an order the arrest Thos. Murray & Richard Estabrook. find nothing by which I can spot my men do not know their business or residence find Estabrook name in directory of Estabrook and also find he left town a week ago, over the Lake, find 6 Thos. Murrays and know not which one I want know no other way than to arrest the whole pack must do it unless I can by some means get some description to go by.
     have inquired by our detective but none of them know him or which one is meant but but have a little clue to track tomorrow it is said he is President of the notorious Humbug, called free market if so I will have him tomorrow. this has kept me busy to day all the time business as usual at Office all we can attend to.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Thursday 29
     Fine day.  Inspection this AM.
     No other duty for our crowd but
     Drill at 5 Oc. this PM.
     Our Co has to do patrole duty
     To night.  i shall come in for
     My share of that from 11 till
     5 Oclock.  our [Regt.] has organized a fine
     Band and joined it to the regt.  it is
     Quite an improvment on the drum corps.

Monday, May 28, 2012

May 28, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 28-Wednesday
     Business not very brisk this morning.
     Took an order to arrest B[---] of our navy an asst. Purser and take him before Gen. Butler, done so, and returned to Office. the rest of the day I spent in Office at table of Lt. Levi Stafford acting Deputy Marshall, find it harder than the running around the City, continuous talking, answering questions about assaults and battery. confederation money, and thousand other useless questions, which we have nothing to do with at all.
     Provost Office continually beat with a hungry crowd for passports & licenses and enough work to keep 20 men jumping all the time more business then I was ever connected with in all my life.
     Lieut Covey got in trouble at the Lake and in some manner shot a woman of the town, the ball entering the fleshy part of the thigh but doing no serious injury, Lt is Quartermaster of the 31st Mass Vols.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Wednesday, May 28, 1862.
     A first rate morn.  got steam
     Up and started down the river got
     Into the lake stopped at fort pike
     Landed Ver[mont] men and left for home
     Got into wharfe went on board the
     Cars and started for N Orleans where
     We arrived about 8 Oc.  marched to the
     Quarters.  we feel first rate after
     The expedition.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 27, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 27-Tuesday
     Another warm day, unfavorable for business.
     Not much doing to day. Capt. Clark and Lieut Johnson arrived and brought me 4 or 5 letters. also one for John which I must send to the Hospital. Capt Shipey also got a few letters and papers. they report that Emerson and Prince have recieved commissions and started some time before they did from home, with commissions for our Officers, who have been fortunate enough to receive them, and I hear Capt Whit and myself are among the number. I would like to see the document for I am heartily sick of hearing about them.
     My wife writes she has moved into her new store and is doing well. this is good news, all are well, how I would like to see my home, wife, and many other things and persons there, but no I must not think of it, my work lays in another direction. and upward an onward must be my motto. go ahead when this Rebellion is suppressed then Will I go home and settle down once more in civil life. and live like a man again.
     Capt Shipley and Lieut of Vermont 8th Whitcomb & myself went out to the Lake to night. Capt had not been out and wanted us to go with him to show him round. we went into the Pistol Gallery and had a few shots. I came out victor and Capt had to pay the bill. we met Capt Crowley, Lt. Gardiner, Lt. Norcross and nearly all of Gen Butlers staff out there, had a very good time.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Tuesday 27
     Fine morn.  the boat steam up.  at 1 Ock
     We started with a guide about 5 1/2 miles
     Across lots[?] after another boat but the
     Men had moved her father up the
     River.  we took a mail rider & a rebel
     Spy.  he informed the rebels we were
     After the boats.  we took a flat boat
     And some canoes & came down the river
     To the steamer up[?] & sound.  the mail
     Had some important letters in it

Saturday, May 26, 2012

May 26, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 26-Monday
     Pleasant and warm day as usual.
     Nothing of importance to day all still and quiet as usual. fast learning the ways of New Orleans.
     Organizing the police force quite fast and no doubt they will have a better set of officers than has been in New Orleans for some years. I have admin-istered the Oath of Allegiance to some 200 of the old Policemen, and a most villainous lot of men I ever came across. Mostly low miserable Irishmen who would sell their very souls for a Pieagune, and most of them have already done so if reports are true murder is no crime at all among them.
     I have often heard of the vice and cor-ruption in New Orleans, but never realized it until I came here. Sunday is the Holiday of the week, go down and walk up the Levie and every Groy shop will be open, and doors wide open so that anyone going by can look in and see a crowd around a table set out openly in the room playing cards, money laying loose on the table, no one thinks of troubling them at all, in another they will be dancing, low places, low women, poor rum , and degradation are sights often seen. Liquors and poorer kinds are the principal attrac-tions of this section of the City. In the other portions will be found the same things but the Genteel instead of the miserable.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Monday 26
     Fine morn.  we sailed up the lake
     To fort pike and took some of Co B
     Of 7th Vermont and went up the
     Lake into a bayou and landed in
     The swamp where we waded about
     Hip deep about 1/2 mile.  come into
     A clearing.  travelled all day towards
     Night.  we found a steamer and took
     Possesion of her.  put her in order.
     The Grey Cloud.

Friday, May 25, 2012

May 25, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 25-Sunday
     A very warm day as usual. I find that I never saw any weather or warm weather before.
     Sunday and as the office is closed there is not much doing Whitcomb and myself went out and took a walk around town, enjoyed ourselves a little. considering we are away from home so far. we can never enjoy myself here unless I could have my friends, home and last but not least my wife, home is nothing without a wife.
     I met or rather we had an invitation to go up to the Lake, along with Sam Smith, and Thompson, went up and met Lt. Burt of 31st and a number of friends it is a beautiful place. he has a century plant which is expected to bloom everyday and he has any quantity of visitors to see it. his place is located on the Banks of Lake Ponchartrain. and is a delightful place a resort of the elite of the City, and is always thronged with people. He has a Pistol Gallery, bowling alleys, and a very fine garden and grounds around it. the road is a hard shell road and a very pleasant drive, had a fine time and a nice ride, some fast horses around him but nearly all Pacers.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Sunday, May 25, 1862
     Fine again.  there is no news of
     Any account.  i wrote a letter to my
     Wife & 1 to Eddy and sent home with
     A new orleans papers had orders
     This PM to pack our blankets and
     Take 2 days rations which we did and
     Marched to Ponchatrain RR Depot
     And rode to the head of the lake and
     Went on steamer whiteman and stopped

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 24, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 24-Saturday
     Very quiet day. and very warm indeed have not done much to day in the way of business. though there has been a considerable done. Whit has been duty nearly all day. I do not know about what he has done.
     Capt pretty well used up Diarrhea and weakness. he now gives us out our jobs or has command of the Officers and men who are connected with the Office. Col French sends his orders to him and he reports on them, and gives them to whom he pleases for execution, except in some par-ticular case when Col wishes one or some particular man to attend to a job.
     4 O Clock P.M. just going to dinner Lt Boles of Gen Shipley’s staff, came in with an order to go and arrest a man, complaint entered by a woman who keeps a bad house up town. She says that this man had threatened her life with a pistol, and thrown a Dirk knife at her several times. We went to look at the house but could not find the man. but Boles got his pistol. a Colts revolver 6 shots and his Dirk cane. So he will not trouble her any more.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday 24
     Warm with showers.  Nims Battery
     Has arrived.  3 transports arrives
     Yesterday with more troops.
     Our Regt has to do guard and
     Patrole duty for the city at present
     I got another shirt & drawers & 2
     Pr socks.  i recieved 2 letters & 2
     Papers from home to day.  the folks
     Were all well.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
    May 23-Friday
     As usual a very hot day, not much in the weather to make one feel smart or even as though he wanted to do anything but lay down and sleep or keep quiet. No place for a man to feel ambitions at all. the heat takes all a mans energy away from him.
     Business quiet done nothing at all to day, true there is always, something to do in the way of looking around, and some small jobs but nothing of any account whatever.
     No news to write of any importance. No news from the North for some few days. [Illustration]

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Friday 23
     Fine again.  our Co. have been out all
     Night on patrole duty and i feel some
     Tired being on duty 2 nights with but
     Little sleep.  our regt have a great
     Deal of Guard & Patrole duty now
     There was a member of Co B. fell
     From a 4th story window last night
     Have not heard wether he is alive or not.
     More troops come in this PM.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 22nd Thursday
     Weather hot and sultry. I am afraid that New Orleans is agoing to be a little warm for me especially if I am to continue in this Department. to much travel in the sun. This has been a very quiet day not much doing here now. put the work on to the Officers of the other Companys I have been at the Office at Lt. Col. Stafford’s desk. find it no more pleasant than other portion of the work and not near so must variety in it.
     Col Dudley is threatening to have us in the Reg’t I would not be much sorry for we are losing in drill, and it is no doubt an injury to the Regiment, for so many to be away. Col. is Commander of our district and Asst. Military Commandant of New Orleans— [Illustration]

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Thursday, May 22, 1862.
     Fine day.  we got marching orders
     yesterday.  but they was countermanded
     Again.  Genl Shepley has taken
     Command of the city.  Jonas H French
     Chief of Police.  there was a large
     Lot of the old police force were
     Removed because they would not
     Take the oath of office.  B R Chase
     Of our company died at Ship Island
     May 13th.  he was an honest upright man.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 21-Wednesday
     Heat as usual, tremendous heat Linen pants seem quite comfortable it is quite a relief to get our woolen pants off and put on even a little Linen.
     My orders on to day again from old Wheeler, but he has some little recomdation. another man came with him who brings a plan with him in the interior of Griswold’s Foundry, and portions where he says are Muskets Stocks stowed away and some other portions of equipments he thinks there are some rifles there also. sent Sergeant and 8 men with Wheeler for a guide as usual. they were gone all the forenoon and came back with 1000 Carbine Stocks unfinish-ed and one finished Carbine. Cooks & Brothers pattern, rough unfinished clumsy Carbine, very poor affair. took the stocks from the tall chimney had to stave a hole though the bricks to get them. Also got a piece of Machinery belonging to the Mint, a Planing & Boring Machine, made in Springfield Massachusetts.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Wednesday 21
     Fine again.  my day on guard.  the
     Officers keep making seizures.
     A number of store keepers have been
     Taken to court and fined 100 Dols
     Each for not opening their stores
     In obeidence of Maj Gen Butlers
     Orders.  there was a rebel arrested
     This PM. on a charge of trying
     To make trouble among the people.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 20,1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 20-Tuesday
     This morning recieved an order to go to a Store house near Canal St. and seize a Brass Cannon and other Military equipments. by looking around I find that this is one of Wheelers orders therefore send and Sergeant Stinson and a few men to do the work with Wheeler for a guide. And I go up to the Office. Stinson goes down and finds not a Brass Cannon but an old fashioned 6 lb. Iron Gun, and some artillery round abouts and body belts. White leather ones. the man who owned the property says that it formally belonged to this company it was previous to the breaking out of the war. At that time or a little before the Company was disbanded. He is a French resident and has French protection. He also gave Stinson an American flagg, small size silk flagg, very nice one. Stars wrought in silk.
     Whitcomb seized 33 Springfield Muskets 1849 pattern and in very fine order also a full set of Equipment for a company.
     This does up our days work.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Tuesday 20
     A fine morn.  the birds are singing
     Merrily which reminds me of spring
     At home.  there was 6[?] released prisoners
     Tried for breaking their parole of honer
     By trying to enlist men for the rebels
     And found guilty and sentenced to be
     Shot.  Approved by Maj Gen Butler.  we
     Had a fine march around the city
     This PM.  we have got a first rate colonel.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

May 19, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 19-Monday
     This day will be remembered by many persons for a long time for this reason. The Mayor, City Marshall, a number of under Officers, Recorders & among whom is our friend Adams of last eve. some of the leaders of the reign of terror which has reigned supreme for so long time. but the sun is now breaking though the clouds, and in a few weeks or more all will be sunshine. Gen. Butler is spoken of highly for the firm and I may say quiet manner in which he has done his duty. He is no doubt the right man in the right place.
     Our duties have not been very severe. hardly any running to day. the Vermont Officers are just doing something and we laying back unless it is, something of some importance.
     Weather does not seem to grow any cooler and if it grows much warm we shall some of us, have to sell out and go home. For I am beginning to feel the effects of the heat.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Monday, May 19, 1862.
     A very hot morn.  i went with a guard
     Of men up to the marine[?] hospital
     To get Sar[?] White of Co G who was hurt
     Very bad by a horse last night.  it
     Is where the rebel that were wounded
     At forts Jackson are and some others
     From up the river we were treated
     First rate.  our Co. was out on patrole
     Duty till 4 Oc. this morning
     The Mayor & 4 other citizens were
     Arrested By the Prov Marshall to day.
     And sent to fort Jackson for aiding
     And encouraging the rebel army.
     Major Gen Butler has given till the
     27th for the issuers of confederate
     Money to withdraw it after that
     None but U States Money is good.

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 18, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:
     New Orleans, May 18, 1862.
     The steamer which was to carry the mail met with an accident and will be delayed a day or two, so I will write again. Sunday in New Orleans and Sunday in Lowell, what a difference! The bar rooms,eating houses, cigar shops, all are open. I attended church this morning, in company with three other officers. The church was of the Episcopal denomination. It seemed like home, it being the first time I have had an opportunity to attend public worship since I left Lowell. Our regiment has received a new uniform throughout and I am busy just now issuing these to the companies. I have adorned myself with a white shirt to-day and I feel very comfortable. In my last letter I mentioned that the prisoners who were taken at the Forts were released on parole. Yesterday five or six were re-arrested, as they had been detected in organizing a company which was to join the Confederate Army. General Butler has ordered them to be shot. Good! say I. Confederate money is to be abolished on the 27th of this month, as well as "shin plasters." The last mentioned consist of paper money issued by private firms which are doing business in the city, and is considered good according to the state of the man who sends it out. I enclose one for twenty cents. General Phelps' command is in camp at Carrollton, seven miles up the river.

     I suppose my sisters would like to know how the young ladies of New Orleans dress, so I will try to describe some. The bonnets are flaring; colors, pink, white and blue, they are adorned with large roses; muslin dresses, lace and silk mantillas made in different shapes and sizes, some wear hoops, some do not. Flowers grow in profusion here. I should like to send you a bouquet of magnolias, negroes sell them in the street, one bit each (ten cents). We are quartered in Lafayette Square, opposite Camp Street. Fran., I think I shall take a Creole home with me when I come back. No more just now. I hope you are all well.

I am your son and brother,

2d Lieut. Elliot:
      May 18-Sunday
     Very warm and pleasant day nothing doing all day in the way of business.
     Whitcomb and myself strolled around town and looked around the city. things are changing very rapidly in the city. it commences to look a little cheerful. but still we find a good many black looking face and scowls from the ladies. One of the ladies left a pew in a Church in which she was sitting, because the Sexton had the impudence to show a Federal Officer, into the same pew. This is the feeling of a large portion of the (women) here you certainly cannot call them Ladies.
     Went up to the Office to night and Whit got an order to arrest one, Adams a recorder of the 4th district a noted man and said to be very desperate. As Whit was coming up by the office, his man passed on his way down he immediately put his hand on his shoulder and says you are my prisoner he made no resistance but went down & was locked up in the Custom House.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Sunday 18
     We had a thunder shower last night
     The first we have had since we come here
     Had an inspection this morn it was
     Very hot.  had orders parade & battalion
     Drill this PM.  it was hot work
     Uncle Sam has given us another
     Suit of clothes.  Blouse Pants Shirt
     Trausers Shoes & socks.  good on his head.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 17-Saturday
     The 8th Vermont Regiment arrived to day from Ship Island and are Quartered close by the Provost Office just around the corner in the rear of us.
     Took an order this morning to go to 7 different places and search for contraband of war. Whitcomb and I jumped into our Hack and commenced our search. one place had been used for recruiting Office for a Light Battery but was boarded up one of their bills were on the door. Got the key and went in found nothing. another was for some tents said to have been moved into a building on Camp St. went there and found nothing the number given me is a vacant lot of land no building on it except a shed. We then visited the other places and met with like success everything had been moved away, and no doubt in many instances never was anything in the places— but men having any emnity against another give such information to injure persons who are really innocent.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday 17
     Another fine day.  the guard took
     13 rebel prisoners yesterday morn
     They were all armed some with knuckles
     Hung Shot. Rifles Pistols &c.  they had
     Some of our coats and other things with
     Them.  the officer of the day seized a
     Large lot of arms this AM.  the P Marshal
     Seized an immense lot of rebel stores
     Of all kinds this PM. all right.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 16-Friday
     Recieved an order this morn for the arrest of Tilloton firm of Tilloston & Co. Shoe dealers. Charges, making shoes and supplying the Rebel Army. I arrested him and then went to Gen. Shipley, who examined him. I then put him under arrest according to order and went up to his place of business on Camp. St. and looked it over but could find nothing that looked like Contraband goods. then took him out and up to Marshall’s Office and administrated the Oath of Allegiance to him and let him part in peace. He has a large Manufactory across the river some miles up on the Jackson but he denies having anything to do with it says it belongs to the man who was his partner, and who is now carrying it on.
     Lieut Burt had to day seized a large lot of small arms and other military equipments. one very fine Rifle said to be worth $200.00 it is a very fine Rifle Silver mounted and packed in a mahogany case.
     Delta Office closed up to day, and also the Bee by order of Major Gen’l Butler commanding the dept. of the Gulf.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Friday, May 16, 1862
     Fine again we have no rain for
     Some days.  i am on fatigue duty today
     We have not had much to do except to go
     To a large store house and clear out
     Some confederate property from the
     Quarter Masters department.  i was
     Lucky enough to get about 1 quart
     Of sweet oil which i divided among
     Some of the boys.  it was valuable to us.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

May 15, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 15-Thursday
     Weather as usual hot enough to Bake apples in the sun. a great saving of wood for the army.
     Capt Shipley took possession of a large Foundry and its contents. said Foundry having been used for the manufacturing of Guns and other war implements for the Rebel Army.
     We found a large Secession flagg some 20 foot long and about 14 wide in the building. we think some of sending it home to the Mayor of Lowell as a trophy of the war and Old Lowell Mechanic Phalanx. found no property liable to confiscation except the machinery and that will not be moved. I think it so enormous large and heavy, and it is also just as safe there as at any other place for the same reason they cannot well move it without being detected.
     I am nearly tired of waiting for letter from home.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Thursday 15
     Hot again.  there was some work
     For the guard yesterday.  the provost
     And his Officers are busy hunting out
     Secesh property of which they get
     Considerable.  i had to go out last
     Night as one of the Lieut Cols
     Body Guard.  we had to go from
     One end of the city to the other.  it
     Was a fine moonlight Night.

Monday, May 14, 2012

May 14, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 14-Wednesday
     Weather hot again to day as usual, and our usual amount of running about town to do. It is hard work, but still quite pleasant I have an opportunity to see nearly the whole city am as familiar with it as with Boston almost.
     To day our orders were to arrest some Rebel Officers who are in town and have been endeavoring to get recruits for the Rebel Army. in the course of the day our Company have succeeded in arresting 8 of them one Captain and the rest Lieutenants. this is doing well. things are now coming down pretty fine and N. Orleans will soon be a good and prosperous city once more. perhaps it will be from necessity and no doubt it will. though there are many good Union men here. But they do not dare as yet to come out boldly and avow their true sentiments, fear has carried much of the secession in New Orleans.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Wednesday 14
     Another hot day.  i am on guard duty
     Today.  the news we get from up the
     River is good.  there is hundreds of bales
     Of cotton here that has been taken
     It is to be sent north as soon as
     Possible.  there has been a large lot of
     Clothing seized that had been made for
     Sesesh soldiers.  Butler is after them
     All around.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

May 13, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:
     Medical Director's Office, New Orleans, May 13,1862.
     When I last wrote, I was on the way to New Orleans, where we arrived on May 1. The 26th Regiment was left at Forts Jackson and Philip; the others of this expedition followed us up the river. Immediately above the Forts, plantations present themselves. It is seventy miles up to this city and it is a beautiful sail at this season. Sugar cane is about eight inches high. On every plantation gangs of slaves can be seen at work. The proprietors' houses are large and surrounded by orange trees. The houses for the slaves are little white cottages, with a veranda to each. I counted twenty on one plantation. Each plantation appears like a small village. As we neared the city, buildings became numerous. All the people ran out to see us pass. Some waved handkerchiefs, others stood dumb. Of course all the darkies hopped and danced. Outside the limits of the city, as we were approaching, we saw a company of Frenchmen hastening to protect their property. Everybody was running to and fro; large numbers of them were crowding the wharf, still they said nothing. Soon all our shipping came to anchor, and the next day we were landed.

     The troops are quartered all about the city, in buildings. Our regiment is in camp in Lafayette Square, Odd Fellows' Hall. The remainder of our troops has arrived from Ship Island. There have been no mobs, although they are all hot traitors. The poor rejoice in our arrival. Flour has been selling at $30 a barrel; there was no tea or coffee. Our General has been giving provisions to the poor. I went to the Custom House the other morning, and should think there were one thousand women with baskets to obtain food. Before we came, all who could not be forced to go to the war, had to drill every day, or pay a fine. You never saw such a state of affairs. Three of our companies are on provost duty, under Colonel French. Company C, Captain Shipley, seized one million dollars in specie, yesterday. They had put it under the Spanish flag for protection. Eight hundred thousand has been seized in a bank, and arms, etc., are found in various parts of the city. All the cotton on the levee was burned when it was known the Forts had surrendered. All the shops had been closed, but a few are opening now. Yesterday our forces seized three loads of cotton up the river.
     It is very interesting to sit on the sidewalk and watch the passers. Oh, just look at the colored folks dressed so finely, with their high colored turbans. An aristocratic young lady took particular pains to pass several times, wearing a secesh flag at her waist. She said she would tear the United States flag before our eyes, if she only could get one. I sung out, "Three cheers for the red, white and blue." The city is not a desirable place to live; it is too low, on a level with the river, and the water does not run off freely. The river is high now. I expect we shall have to stay here all summer. A vessel has just arrived with one year's stock of camp equipage. We heard that the Federals gained a victory at Shiloh but lost at Corinth last Friday. I wish the war was over. There is too much speculation carried on by politicians. I have good quarters, sleep on two stuffed settees. The Staff board at a hotel. The mosquitoes are very thick, it is useless to try to sleep without a mosquito bar. My health is good. Dr. Cleaveland has gone home, took a sudden start, I don't know why. Parker has an office in the Custom House and is Postmaster of New Orleans. I wish you could see what is used for money here! There is no specie. The horse railroad checks pass for five cents. Recruiting is brisk; we enlisted twenty-five men in our regiment to-day. I shall write at every opportunity. This letter goes on the Matanzas.


2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 13-Tuesday
     Warm and quite pleasant if we can keep out of the sun, which in my business is impossible for it is sun, sun continually.
     This morning I had an opportunity for a fine intrigue but not wishing anything to do with such affairs took no notice. I do not wish to interfere in any mans family between himself and wife. A lady who lives in a building in the rear of our Office came to her window and shows me a note at the same time motioning me to come and get it. I left the Office and went down stairs out in the Backyard and she throws me the note tied to a piece of wood I opened it and find it is in relations to a policeman’s family. She says he raised a company for the Rebel army and also that the property he holds belongs to his wife, who she says he abuses very badly, and tries to kill, and numerous other charges. she winds up her note by saying that said Lady is a perfect Angel (Angle) and implores me to go to her assistance. perhaps she thinks beauty would be some object to me. I destroyed the note after having shown it to the Colonel whose opinion is about the same as mine in regards to it.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday, May 13, 1862.
     Fine again i feel better bussiness
     Getting brisk.  the people begin to
     Get sociable with us.  A member of
     Co. D & 1 of Co. C of our Regt died
     At the gen hos. last night.  our folks
     Are making seizures of value everyday.
     Major Gen Butler is enlisting new
     Recruits from the impressed[?] soldiers
     Of the rebel ranks.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

May 12, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 12-Monday
     Weather warm and pleasant
     To day has been quite a long day with me here. put a gaurd on to 4 warehouses and examined them for contraband goods was not very successful.
     No news from our forces in any portion of the Army in fact we do no seem to hear anything from any one. are shut out from direct communication with the North. and news is at least 2 weeks old when it arrives here.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Monday 12
     Fine again.  Butler has made
     Some more heavy seiziures up the
     River of cotton and all sorts of
     Stores.  also some more money
     A number of thousands.  the St
     Charles. Butlers quarters has been
     Crowded all day with applicants
     For provisions.  Bussiness is getting
     A little brisker and the people
     Look more smiling.

Friday, May 11, 2012

May 11, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 11-Sunday
     Warmest day we have had as Yet the pavement almost smokes with the heat.
     Spices all moved away from the Office to day and taken to the Mint where it will be taken care of.
     Wrote to Jane, Mother, and Drew Lieut. Burt seized 80.000 this morn No work for us to day unless some jobs may turn up. The Office is closed up for the day.
     John Foster came to duty to day. Whitcomb and myself went up town and looked the city over a little. It is quite a place and no better regulated streets in any of our Northern Cities all laid out in squares or Blocks Philadelphia style.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Sunday 11
     Pleasant again.  Major Battles[?]
     Made a large haul of money
     Yesterday.  about 2 Millions.  he also
     Has seized a large lot of provisions
     Of all kinds.  he is agoing to begin
     To relieve the poor in this city
     To morrow.  there is a great deal
     Of want and suffering among all
     Classes in the city.  i am no better.
     William Libby & Martha A Clarke
     Were Married.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

May 10, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 10-Saturday
     Went on quite a tramp with one Wheeler an informer to find Guns and numerous implements of war. traveled about 5 miles in the hot sun to Thos. Griswold’s and Luther Holmes Foundry’s searched them through but found nothing. found several pieces of U.S. Machinery (so Wheeler says) but it is to solid and heavy to move without machinists help. then went to a dwelling house and found 264 Calvary Saber Scabbards. 78 blades and a number of Hilts that is all we succeeded in finding at this time. I think Wheelers is a humbug.
     While I was away Capt Shipley on an order from Gen Butler took possession of the Consul of the Netherlands office, in Hope Insurance Office and found 170 kegs of spices belonging to Confederate Government.
     Our company relieved by a company of the 31st Regiment. everything remains quiet in the city and stores are opening a little. think business will soon revive.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday, May 10, 1862.
     A very hot day.  our troops are all
     Scattered & quartered over the city as
     Guards.  the Maj Genl is busy hunting
     Up Secesh stores of all kinds.  and the
     Provost Marshall has made a
     Number of seizures.  i have got
     The bowel complain rather hard
     And am on the sick list.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

May 9, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 9-Friday
     Went down and took a bath put on clean clothes and threw my dirty all away. now feel a little better. Showering this morn.
     Changed our quarters this morn and enter upon our new duties as Provost gaurd. We are now under Col French and out of the Regiment entirely for the present. We have fine quarters 2 large rooms for our Company and one for ourselves. we are in a building on corner of Camp and Canal Sts. near the Custom house and over the Marshall’s office. Also over [---] & Co Banking house our room furnished well with Desk and Chairs n a very fine style our furniture all come from the Custom house and Col Lovell’s old Quarters.
     Col Lovell was in command of the Rebel in New Orleans when we came into the city. he is now at Camp Moore with his command.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Friday 9
     Hot again.  the[re] was one of the
     9th Conn Regt got stabbed 2 or 3
     Nights ago. in row. and died in
     The Genl Hospital.  he was a first
     Rate man.  i took a guard of Twelve
     Men with our side arms and went
     Down to the levee to get the
     Officers trunks.  had a good time
     And got back all right.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 8-Thursday
     Our baggage has at last arrived and on board the Tennessee a ship formally owned north. but taken when all other property was and now taken back again by our fleet when they came up the river. Our Officers are all used up. Mosquito thick as toads after a heavy shower and a great deal more troublesome.
     5 P.M. Lieut Whitcomb and 50 men ordered out for Special duty for Provost Marshall French. He went to a recruiting office of the Rebel Army found 2 Guns and an enlisting roll but the men were not to be found.
     G. Capt Yeaton and Lt. Norcross ordered out to find some ammunition and Guns. Got two small flags 2 Carbines Cooks manufactured and a small quantity of Balls and Ordnance Stores.
     My duty is with 10 men to go to Steamers. Lt. Maurice and examine passports and passengers with their baggage. The boys and girls all sing the Bonny Blue flagg. the favorite Rebel song and very pretty song to. does not hurt any feelings at all. got back at 11 P.M. went at 6 P.M.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Thursday 8
     A hot day.  the people begin to
     Move about the streets and some of
     The stores are opened.  everything is
     Quiet except once in a while a
     Secesh tries to kick up a row
     But there is no notice taken
     Of him.

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 7, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 7-Wednesday
     Very warm and pleasant a little to warm for our work. we have a 5 mile march to go up to Thibadoux a small French town of some 2000 inhabitants. took one piece of artillery from depot with us dragged by men as we have no horses. got out a short distance and met a team of 4 mules and a wagon driven by a Negro which we pressed into service and made him pull up Rifle & powder for us. had a tiresome march and found that what we were after had been removed for safe keeping— we had to break into an Odd Fellows lodge room as no one would give us the keys. had a great crowd but they offered no insult to us at all. went back got on board and started on our way back to New Orleans. I brought no rations with me therefore had no breakfast except a hard bread which Orderly spared me from his store.
     Stopped on the way down and killed 3 cattle for our Hospital in New Orleans. The owner was in the field but would no take a note from the U.S, for pay. He was very much excited but could not help himself as we were too many guns for him and his two Negroes.
     Got home at about 7 O Clock and went to Quarters pretty tired but better than when I left here yesterday. The tramp I think has done me some good.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Wednesday, May 7, 1862.
     A fine morning.  everything
     Quiet.  some of the Boys got out
     And got Our[?] musick[?] ?? ??? for their
     Bericks[?] ???? have to take ???? of
     Guard?????.  there is no ??????
     Stiring ??? but[?] secesh[?] and ???/
     ?? ??? ??? have got a bakery
     On?? ????? have ????? ??? ?? ????
     For ??????? to night.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May 6, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 6-Tuesday
     Time 11 A.M orders to provide one day rations and go up Opelousas R.R. under command of Lt. Kinsman of Gen Butlers staff, For an expedition. went over to Algiers and took cars. one Section of Battery consisting of two Steel Rifled Guns and one Corp 21st Indiana Reg’t and got under weigh found our Engineer from the Indiana and go on our way at 3 ½ O Clock.
     Found that a detachment of Indiana under their Col had been up an expedition and saw 2 French guns they have captured.
     Met the Col of 21st up some miles farther without either wood or water and after helping them out of their trouble proceeded on our way. Alligators plenty and palm leaf in any quantity all along out route which is through a very large swamp.
     We go some 70 miles up the road and took possession of the Rail R. Station for our Quarters through the night. posted gaurd and I lay down in a freight car & slept until morning. Everything quiet and right.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday 6
     Had a shower this morn but
     Have had a fine day nothing
     Stirring.  Beginning[?] a little
     ????? Every thing quiet.
     Corp Perkins taken to the Gen
     Hospital.  Luke Maegher taken
     To[?] the Regt Hospital W ???ber
     ???? taken to the Regt Hosp
     Nothing stirring.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     May 5-Monday
     Quite sick to day with my diarrhea but trust it will not last long. Capt no better then I am. Whit is the toughest of the lot I guess after all he seems to stand up and hold his own. He is a fine fellow and we made a very good thing by the exchange.
     Three of our Companies detailed to day from Regiment for Provost duty. Comp C, G, & H. H. has gone to the Jackson R.R. and taken possession of the Depot and track, Stock and all property belonging to the company. Company C and G reported to the Provost Marshall for orders but have been sent back to await further orders. our company detailed for patrol duty. I am pretty sick to night and not on duty. Comp G. on patrol duty also.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Monday 5
     Another fine morn.  we had
     3[?] Unionists come to our quarters
     For protection.  i lent one
     My 2 blankets & overcoat
     And made him a bed on the
     Floor he had been in prison
     3[?] weeks for not taking the
     Oath of alliegence to jeff
     Davis.  everything is quiet.