From a Letter:
Baton Rouge, June 11, 1862.
I wrote a short letter a day or two since. Now, as I have more time, I will write again. I am right glad we have left New Orleans, for, 1 assure you, it is not a pleasant place to live in, and we could not be located in a healthier situation than we have here. Yet, in my opinion, a move will soon be made up the river, perhaps to Vicksburg. The fleet are now arriving from below and, undoubtedly, we shall join them. I don't care how far up we go, for then the chances will be more favorable for us to go home by way of land, when the army is disbanded. An alarm was sounded last night, and the long roll was beat. The boys were in line, ready to march.
I have but little to do except when on the march. A nice large tent, with a green carpet, is at my disposal, and I live principally on milk, which is very good here. I learned to-night that General Banks had been driven back towards Baltimore. I am afraid this call for more troops and Banks's retreat will tend to keep us in service longer. I received your two letters of May 18 and 19 this afternoon, and was glad to get them. Lizzie and Fran. are to teach! I hope I may arrive home at a future day to visit them in their schools. While I am writing this the band is playing in front of the State House. This is a large building, surrounded by gravel walks and beds of flowers, from which beautiful bouquets are plucked. I expect we shall go up the river within a week. Hoping you are all well, I remain
2d Lieut. Elliot:
June 11-Wednesday
Very warm and still no Rain. river
still high and it is feared that the river will over run the banks of
the Levee on June freshet in that case the damage will be fearful.
Startling news from Gen. Banks division
removed defeat of a portion of his army, he crosses the Potomac and
runs most of his bag-gage train, his men are murdered all along the
route dead men’s heads cut off and wounded men bayonited by the
rebels, at Bulls Run and Balls Bluff.
Tremendous excitement North the old
sixths once more on her way to vindicate Mass honor. 2nd Battery
Infantry Boston ready to go, and a complete tumult of everybody and
all anxious to go for to fight but how many will be more anxious to
7th Vt. Reg’t arrived here to day 2
Men of War gone up the river and an attack expected immediately on
Read Gov. Andrews answer to the
Presidents call for troops a Black Abolition document endowing Gen
Hunters Pro-clamation. Gov. Andrews has changed his mind it would
seem and orders out all troops in Mass. to proceed im-mediatly to
Washington independent companies, Regiments, Battalions, and
Batterys. everything that can be raised.
John Foster returned to duty to day
looks much better
Corpl. B. B. Smith:
Wednesday 11
Fine morn. there was 3 men of war
And 2 gun boats arrived here yesterday
The river boats Laurie Still[?] here
And Sunny South Come up from
Orleans since yesterday morn. the
Missisippi left here for N Orleans
This morn to coal up. there was
2 river steamers from Orleans to
Day. I got 2 papers from home.
Corpl. B. B. Smith:
Wednesday 11
Fine morn. there was 3 men of war
And 2 gun boats arrived here yesterday
The river boats Laurie Still[?] here
And Sunny South Come up from
Orleans since yesterday morn. the
Missisippi left here for N Orleans
This morn to coal up. there was
2 river steamers from Orleans to
Day. I got 2 papers from home.
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