
Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 15-Sunday
     Wrote a letter to my wife in answer to the one I recieved from her last night so seldom I do get one straight that I will answer immediately even if I had written this morning instead of yesterday.
     the Hartford has gone up the river this morn and our Mortar fleet have nearly all gone up by it looks as though they expected work up above, by the preparations. the Reg’t is under orders to go up tomorrow I think I will be able to go up with them. shall try it anyhow.
     It has extreme hot day one of the hotter of the season. Capt remains about the same; I am not strong and do not know as I ever will be in this debilitating climate, there is nothing in the atmosphere to build a man up at all.
     Food does not seem to strengthen a man at all or do him any good. Medicine is a humbug in anyplace but here more than any other.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday, June 15, 1862.
     Very fine.  i got a letter last night
     From sarah and a box from home
     To day all the eatibles in it were
     Wholly spoilt but the tobacco and
     Medecines with the paper envelopes
     Ink & were all right and very
     Acceptable.  there has some mortar
     Boats and other war vessels gone up
     The river.  a number of river boats
     Have come up to day.  we have good
     News from our army all round.

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