
Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 14-Saturday
     Another very warm day
     A big mail to night, went over to Quarters and got two letters from Jane dated May 27th 25th this is the first time I have ever gotten any letters from her direct. a number of papers of later dates from the North came in this mail. Jane sends me her card, I will call. They say that McClellan has Richmond, Halleck has taken Cornith, and Memphis has also been taken this opens the Miss. river with the exception of Vicksburg, which will soon be in our possession. Hartford and our Mortar fleet tomorrow for operations.
     President Lincoln has raised 50,000 or issued a proclamation calling that number of Volunteers for the war, this is instead of calling for the Militia, as was at first intended. In Mass they have had a tremendous excitement, by the rumor of Banks defeat and stopped danger to the Federal Capitol. Lowell rallied in all her force once more, but their men are not needed and have been returned to their homes, and Volunteers for the war called for in accordance with the above proclamation. Now see if they will turn out, this is what tries their Pluck. no the old 6th goes home 8 months frightens them and they show their backs, and go back like whipped dogs, shame, shame, the Gallant 6th is no more.
     Wrote to Jane and Mother this morning before I got my letters.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday 14
     Fine again.  had to turn out to
     Drill at 5 Ock & Drill till 1/2 after 6
     Give us a good appetite for and
     There is a number of Steamers
     Gun boats & Mortar boats with
     3 Men of war here going up
     To Vicksburg to have a ball with
     The rebels and we expect to go with
     Them.  they mean to keep us busy
     I Think.

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