
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 12-Thursday
     Went over to Quarters and wrote up my journal to the first day of June, and it tired me a considerable it is more work than I have done for a long time before.
     Capt laying on his back and not able to do anything Whitcomb doing gaurd duty. Picket duty Drilling and working like a tiger all the time still feels well and is smart as a trap.
     News is at a discount and I have nothing worth writing to day. will go back and lay down and get well and go to work once more then the time will pass away a little quicker I think for the days are tremendous long stopping here and nothing to do. am anxious once more to get to work.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Thursday, June 12, 1862.
     Fine again.  our company
     Fell in and marched about 5 miles
     Out on picket duty.  the march was
     Hot and dusty.  the dirt is about 3
     Inches deep in the road.  our duty
     Is on a road visited by & occupied
     By some of the head guerillas we
     Have taken possession of some of
     Their plantations & moved their
[Listed under Friday 13, continues June 12?]
     Darkeys & Sugar and Cattle &c.
     And then burn their buildings
     As that is there play where they
     Go.  i had a first rate time in
     Woods getting berries which are
     Very plenty & large here.  their
     Picket duty has some sport in it
     And there is a good deal of danger
     If a fellow dont keep his eye open.

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