
Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     June 16, 1862. Regiment went aboard the steamer Iberville, on a trip up the river for provisions, wood, etc, and to see if any guerrillas were about.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 16-Monday
     Weather tremendous warm.
     I reported for duty to day.  went over to Quarters and had not been over there but a short time when orders came to pack up and move, on board the Iberville at 1 O Clock P.M. Col Dudley says as I have been sick he must leave me here in charge of the sick men who will have to be left behind, I have Serg’t Brooks Capt Burr among them I have over 100 men and not a well man in the whole lot. I would not value a month pay to have gone with my Reg’t for to be left behind is awful to say nothing of the responsibility connected with it. I have charge of the building, the Hospital, the grounds and all the Comp baggage in the Regiment and will probably have to move it all to where the Regiment goes to when we get orders, but I must take things as they come I suppose and put up with whatever orders. I receive a good soldier has to do nothing but obey orders. Capt Shipley has gone with the Company, the first duty he has done for sometime, the Regiment left here at about 5 P.M up the river. Capt Brown arrived here just in time to go up with them so now Col Dudley has all his companies under his command once more.

Corpl. B.B. Smith:
     Monday 16
     Fine again.  everything still in
     And around the city.  at noon we
     Got [?] heavy marching orders.
     Packed our knapsacks.  i took
     My extra clothes & put in the Co
     Box.  went on board the fine
     Steamer Iberville.  and about 3
     Miles up the river.  and tied up
     Opposite a large plantation.  our
     Cooks went on shore and made
     Coffee which we had on the boat.
     We have 1/2 of the 6th Battery with

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