
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 13-Friday
     Weather tremendous warm and mos-quitos thick enough and nearly large enough to carry a man off.
     Feel quite well to day went over to quarters and stopped nearly all day the Regiment are expecting orders to move up the river shortly.
     Rumor here that McClellan has had a big fight near Richmond. Hope it is true, but we hear so many rumors that we do not believe anything we do hear lately.
     Captain Shipley does not seem to get any better, is continually ailing not very sick but still not able to do anything. is weak and has no appetite goes out to dinner and when he comes back he is all used up, has to lay down and rest.
     Whit is tough and hearty has done all the work since we have been in Baton Rouge. It is hard for him but cannot be helped just now I shall return to duty in a few days I think. though the doctor says don’t hurry.

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