
Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     June 16, 1862. Regiment went aboard the steamer Iberville, on a trip up the river for provisions, wood, etc, and to see if any guerrillas were about.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 16-Monday
     Weather tremendous warm.
     I reported for duty to day.  went over to Quarters and had not been over there but a short time when orders came to pack up and move, on board the Iberville at 1 O Clock P.M. Col Dudley says as I have been sick he must leave me here in charge of the sick men who will have to be left behind, I have Serg’t Brooks Capt Burr among them I have over 100 men and not a well man in the whole lot. I would not value a month pay to have gone with my Reg’t for to be left behind is awful to say nothing of the responsibility connected with it. I have charge of the building, the Hospital, the grounds and all the Comp baggage in the Regiment and will probably have to move it all to where the Regiment goes to when we get orders, but I must take things as they come I suppose and put up with whatever orders. I receive a good soldier has to do nothing but obey orders. Capt Shipley has gone with the Company, the first duty he has done for sometime, the Regiment left here at about 5 P.M up the river. Capt Brown arrived here just in time to go up with them so now Col Dudley has all his companies under his command once more.

Corpl. B.B. Smith:
     Monday 16
     Fine again.  everything still in
     And around the city.  at noon we
     Got [?] heavy marching orders.
     Packed our knapsacks.  i took
     My extra clothes & put in the Co
     Box.  went on board the fine
     Steamer Iberville.  and about 3
     Miles up the river.  and tied up
     Opposite a large plantation.  our
     Cooks went on shore and made
     Coffee which we had on the boat.
     We have 1/2 of the 6th Battery with

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 15-Sunday
     Wrote a letter to my wife in answer to the one I recieved from her last night so seldom I do get one straight that I will answer immediately even if I had written this morning instead of yesterday.
     the Hartford has gone up the river this morn and our Mortar fleet have nearly all gone up by it looks as though they expected work up above, by the preparations. the Reg’t is under orders to go up tomorrow I think I will be able to go up with them. shall try it anyhow.
     It has extreme hot day one of the hotter of the season. Capt remains about the same; I am not strong and do not know as I ever will be in this debilitating climate, there is nothing in the atmosphere to build a man up at all.
     Food does not seem to strengthen a man at all or do him any good. Medicine is a humbug in anyplace but here more than any other.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday, June 15, 1862.
     Very fine.  i got a letter last night
     From sarah and a box from home
     To day all the eatibles in it were
     Wholly spoilt but the tobacco and
     Medecines with the paper envelopes
     Ink & were all right and very
     Acceptable.  there has some mortar
     Boats and other war vessels gone up
     The river.  a number of river boats
     Have come up to day.  we have good
     News from our army all round.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 14-Saturday
     Another very warm day
     A big mail to night, went over to Quarters and got two letters from Jane dated May 27th 25th this is the first time I have ever gotten any letters from her direct. a number of papers of later dates from the North came in this mail. Jane sends me her card, I will call. They say that McClellan has Richmond, Halleck has taken Cornith, and Memphis has also been taken this opens the Miss. river with the exception of Vicksburg, which will soon be in our possession. Hartford and our Mortar fleet tomorrow for operations.
     President Lincoln has raised 50,000 or issued a proclamation calling that number of Volunteers for the war, this is instead of calling for the Militia, as was at first intended. In Mass they have had a tremendous excitement, by the rumor of Banks defeat and stopped danger to the Federal Capitol. Lowell rallied in all her force once more, but their men are not needed and have been returned to their homes, and Volunteers for the war called for in accordance with the above proclamation. Now see if they will turn out, this is what tries their Pluck. no the old 6th goes home 8 months frightens them and they show their backs, and go back like whipped dogs, shame, shame, the Gallant 6th is no more.
     Wrote to Jane and Mother this morning before I got my letters.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday 14
     Fine again.  had to turn out to
     Drill at 5 Ock & Drill till 1/2 after 6
     Give us a good appetite for and
     There is a number of Steamers
     Gun boats & Mortar boats with
     3 Men of war here going up
     To Vicksburg to have a ball with
     The rebels and we expect to go with
     Them.  they mean to keep us busy
     I Think.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 13-Friday
     Weather tremendous warm and mos-quitos thick enough and nearly large enough to carry a man off.
     Feel quite well to day went over to quarters and stopped nearly all day the Regiment are expecting orders to move up the river shortly.
     Rumor here that McClellan has had a big fight near Richmond. Hope it is true, but we hear so many rumors that we do not believe anything we do hear lately.
     Captain Shipley does not seem to get any better, is continually ailing not very sick but still not able to do anything. is weak and has no appetite goes out to dinner and when he comes back he is all used up, has to lay down and rest.
     Whit is tough and hearty has done all the work since we have been in Baton Rouge. It is hard for him but cannot be helped just now I shall return to duty in a few days I think. though the doctor says don’t hurry.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 12-Thursday
     Went over to Quarters and wrote up my journal to the first day of June, and it tired me a considerable it is more work than I have done for a long time before.
     Capt laying on his back and not able to do anything Whitcomb doing gaurd duty. Picket duty Drilling and working like a tiger all the time still feels well and is smart as a trap.
     News is at a discount and I have nothing worth writing to day. will go back and lay down and get well and go to work once more then the time will pass away a little quicker I think for the days are tremendous long stopping here and nothing to do. am anxious once more to get to work.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Thursday, June 12, 1862.
     Fine again.  our company
     Fell in and marched about 5 miles
     Out on picket duty.  the march was
     Hot and dusty.  the dirt is about 3
     Inches deep in the road.  our duty
     Is on a road visited by & occupied
     By some of the head guerillas we
     Have taken possession of some of
     Their plantations & moved their
[Listed under Friday 13, continues June 12?]
     Darkeys & Sugar and Cattle &c.
     And then burn their buildings
     As that is there play where they
     Go.  i had a first rate time in
     Woods getting berries which are
     Very plenty & large here.  their
     Picket duty has some sport in it
     And there is a good deal of danger
     If a fellow dont keep his eye open.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:
     Baton Rouge, June 11, 1862.
     I wrote a short letter a day or two since. Now, as I have more time, I will write again. I am right glad we have left New Orleans, for, 1 assure you, it is not a pleasant place to live in, and we could not be located in a healthier situation than we have here. Yet, in my opinion, a move will soon be made up the river, perhaps to Vicksburg. The fleet are now arriving from below and, undoubtedly, we shall join them. I don't care how far up we go, for then the chances will be more favorable for us to go home by way of land, when the army is disbanded. An alarm was sounded last night, and the long roll was beat. The boys were in line, ready to march.
     I have but little to do except when on the march. A nice large tent, with a green carpet, is at my disposal, and I live principally on milk, which is very good here. I learned to-night that General Banks had been driven back towards Baltimore. I am afraid this call for more troops and Banks's retreat will tend to keep us in service longer. I received your two letters of May 18 and 19 this afternoon, and was glad to get them. Lizzie and Fran. are to teach! I hope I may arrive home at a future day to visit them in their schools. While I am writing this the band is playing in front of the State House. This is a large building, surrounded by gravel walks and beds of flowers, from which beautiful bouquets are plucked. I expect we shall go up the river within a week. Hoping you are all well, I remain


2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 11-Wednesday
     Very warm and still no Rain. river still high and it is feared that the river will over run the banks of the Levee on June freshet in that case the damage will be fearful.
     Startling news from Gen. Banks division removed defeat of a portion of his army, he crosses the Potomac and runs most of his bag-gage train, his men are murdered all along the route dead men’s heads cut off and wounded men bayonited by the rebels, at Bulls Run and Balls Bluff.
     Tremendous excitement North the old sixths once more on her way to vindicate Mass honor. 2nd Battery Infantry Boston ready to go, and a complete tumult of everybody and all anxious to go for to fight but how many will be more anxious to return.
     7th Vt. Reg’t arrived here to day 2 Men of War gone up the river and an attack expected immediately on Vicksburg.
     Read Gov. Andrews answer to the Presidents call for troops a Black Abolition document endowing Gen Hunters Pro-clamation. Gov. Andrews has changed his mind it would seem and orders out all troops in Mass. to proceed im-mediatly to Washington independent companies, Regiments, Battalions, and Batterys. everything that can be raised.
     John Foster returned to duty to day looks much better

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Wednesday 11
     Fine morn.  there was 3 men of war
     And 2 gun boats arrived here yesterday
     The river boats Laurie Still[?] here
     And Sunny South Come up from
     Orleans since yesterday morn.  the
     Missisippi left here for N Orleans
     This morn to coal up.  there was
     2 river steamers from Orleans to
     Day.  I got 2 papers from home.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 10, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 10-Tuesday
     Hot day again as usual almost scorchs a man as he walks through the streets.
     Went over to Quarters to see Captain the first time I have been over since I went to Hospital. found Captain down on his back and quite sick.
     Wrote home to Jane about poor Harvey Wood’s death and enclosed a letter from the Doctor to his Father. His folks will feel this blow badly.
     Sergeant Major under arrest for insulting language to Adjutant.
     Adjutant returned to duty to day. I would I could have returned to duty with him but must needs wait a few days longer.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Tuesday 10
     Another fine day.  we were called out
     Last night about 1 Ock by the long
     Roll.  after we got in a line it did
     Not amount to anything.  There was
     A Steam Frigate & Side wheel Steamer
     Come up the river last night.  we
     Expect some fun soon up the river.
     There is a report that the Col of the Wis
     Regt was shot last night By the guerillas

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 9-Monday
     Very warm as usual.
     I am feeling a little better to day than I have been walked up to barbers and got my beard taken off the farthest I have been from Quarters since we took prisoners of Capitol.
     Col Wisconsin Regiment while out on a scouting expedition got a sever shot in side and arm by Guerrilla, who came on to them put spurs to their horses and road away but not until one of their number was shot and 2 captured, which were brought in and will have the benefit of a trial by Court Marshall I hope will be hung for shooting is to honorable a death for such men.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Monday, June 9, 1862.
     Fine but rather cool.  the boys
     Move as if they felt tired after
     Their Expedition but we have to
     Day to clean up and get rested in.
     We expect to go scouting again soon
     There is some Companys going up
     To Old Castles[?] to day to get the Cattle
     & sheep & about 200 hhds. of Molasess
     & Sugar & Burn all the Buildings.

Friday, June 8, 2012

June 8, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 8-Sunday
     Tremendous hot day.
     Our Regiment returned at about 4 P.M. and have had perfect success. found their dwelling, but not the band took their Niggers some men women and children 35 to 40 horses & mules and some of them very fine. a large lot of cattle, sheep Geese, ducks & c. burned their houses to the ground and returned evidently leaving their marks behind them. Whit came down in change of the baggage train consisting of some 5 teams of 4 mules each and 2 or 3 with one each, loaded with Niggers and their effects. Niggers singing and evidently having a good time. they also brought some 3 prisoners, Guerillas who I hope will be shot for this barbarous mode of warfare is against the laws of all nations and will never be recognized by anyone. A man with the descriptive powers of Dickens’ would made a happy picture of this little thing.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Sunday 8
     Washed Up this morn after 2 hours out
     Picked a few berries and turned round
     And back a piece and turned up another
     Road to a plantation where they had
     Taken a Lieut prisoners who belonged
     To a cavalry that had troubled our
     Folks some.  we took everything we could
     Find.  Horses Mules niggers & cattle
     We loaded the teams with sugar & other
     Truck.  took the woman children[?]
     The colonel give liberty to help
     Ourselves to anything but personal
     Property.  the way the boys went
     Into the poultry[?] was amusing
     Some was picking[?] & cooking.  ducks
     Geese chickens. others getting sugar
     & Molassess & making hasty pudding
     After we was already for a start
     We got orders to burn the whole
     Nest[?] house Burns Sugar House
     And all.  it made a fine fire.
     We got back to quarters about
     6 Ock all well but tired.  we took
     60 Mules 20 horses about 100 head
     Of cattle with waggons Carts & goods
     Of all sorts.  we paid that man
     Off in his own coin.  there was
     Another one above cleared out
     Saturday night.  it is a game
     They have played considerable in
     This section on their Union
     Neighbors.  now there turn has
     Come we will see how they like it
     Some would think this fine business
     For Sunday. but it had to be done.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 7-Saturday
     Weather very warm and pleasant.
     This is the most sorrowful day for me since I joined the Regiment, for to day there is some chance of a little brush with the enemy and I obliged to lay abed & see them go away and leave me behind.
     The 30th Regiment 8 Companies. 2 Comp Wisconsin 6th [perhaps the 4th?]  and 2 sections of [---] Battery start out under command of Col Dudley of 30th Mass Vols to capture a band of Guerrillas who have infested this region ever since our forces landed here. shoot-ing our picquets, and occas-sionally rushing by into town even to our gaurd house firing a volly and retiring. so we are ordered to take some little notice of them.
     Oh how I wanted to go with them and see the fun, but no this pleasure is denied me and I as well as the Adjutant Dimon have been left here to mourn. I hear also that Capt Shipley was not able to go and is left in charge at the Hall. Lt. Lovring is detailing in my place.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday 7
     A fine morn.  we go on guard duty
     Today.  there is 5 of our men left at
     Orleans in the genl. Hosp.  had Marching
     Orders and fell into line about 1/2 past
     5.  1 Div of Nims battery & 6[?] of our Companys.
     We marched back into the country about
     8 miles to a rebel plantation & took
     Possesion of the whole place.  Niggers
     Mules horses cattle and regular[?] house[?]
     The owner was a leader of a party
     Of Guerillas who was investing[?] the
     Country alround.  We took possesion
     And made his overseer have all the
     Teams hitched up and loaded the darkeys
     And their stuff and started on the
     Back track.  we marched till about
     2 Oclock in the morn when we

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 6-Friday
     Weather warm as ever
     Capt came in to see me this morn and brought a letter and some papers from Jane the letters dated April 10th they came in a box from Mrs. Shipley. Jane says she sent me 6 packages I have only got one of them as yet. the rest I may get some time it all is to be seen. But the joy it gives me to get a letter from my wife although two months old no one can tell unless situated in similar circumstances.
     I am as yet no better and am almost discouraged. but it will not do, I must keep up my courage or go under, and I am not prepared to do that here in this condemned country.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Friday, June 6, 1862.
     Fine again.  one of Co. B. was shot by
     A picket on guard.  he did not blame any
     body as he was fooling the sentinel he is
     Dead the ball passing through his right
     Breast.  the steamer Diana came up the
     River last night.  the Steamer
     Saxon come up from Orleans with
     Stray soldiers & baggage for our regt.
     Regt. guard duty for our comy to mor-

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 5-Thursday
     Weather fine as usual but roads getting very dusty from having no rains for so long a time.
     News and events to day are dull and I can find nothing to write of interest am still sick and no prospects of being well very soon.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Thursday 5
     A pleasant day.  we had a fine
     Time on picket yesterday.  we
     Had all the Black Berries we could
     Eat.  we got back about 9 this
     AM. and all hands went down
     To the ranche[?] and had a good bath
     And i washed my shirt & socks.
     Old lovett agreed to meet our
     Folks last night But did not do it
     A flat boat passed down the river.

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 4-Wednesday
     Weather very warm and pleasant to day as usual I still on my back in Hospital.
     Got a letter from my mother and it was at least one bright spot in my sickness. Oh, how much pleasure it gives one to hear from home when thousands of miles away and impossible to hear from them.
     From my wife I have not heard for some little time but am waiting patiently for a letter and know it is not her fault. I have none often from her for she assures me that she writes every week at least and I must wait.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Wednesday 4
     A Fine day.  We went go out on picket
     Guard to day.  we go out about
     3 Miles into the woods and
     Stay 24 hours.  there is a report
     That lovett and an army of
     Rebels are out at Camp Moore.
     If they come here we will
     Be ready for them.  we found[?]
     Everything still out on pickett.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

June 3, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 3-Tuesday
     Weather fine but very warm news is not much. at least not to me for lying here on my back it can’t not come to me and I cannot go out to find news.
     Mustard poultice on my bowels to remove the very intense pain. I find I am pretty sick but am in hopes that I shall soon get over it.
     Capt is not much better than I am but is so as to do some little duty am in hopes he will keep up at least until I get around for Whitcomb is now doing all the work and I fear he will not hold out long at that rate.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday, June 3, 1862.
     A fine day.  everything still except
     The drilling of the soldiers the citizens
     Appear quiet and well disposed.
     Nims battery came here sunday.
     Our regiment have enough
     With picket patrols & regimen-
     tal guard duty.  we all like here
     Very well.  i wrote to Mary &
     Lydia yesterday.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     June 2, 1862. Landed and quartered in the State House, over which we raised the Stars and Stripes. During our stay, expeditions were sent outside the lines, which captured stock, provisions and prisoners. This is a pretty place and healthy.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     June 2-Monday
     Clear and beautiful day though very warm, but how much more pleasant than N.O.
     we are now on high ground at least and no doubt our health will be much better.
     Our Company has come in this morning from Piquet duty the first they have ever done. and it was the first time I have been so that I could not go with them. and I hope this will not last long.
     While I am writing the McClellan has come up the river with the 9th Conn Reg’t one of our best and no getting clear of it the story in N.O. is that the Mass 30 & Conn 9th can drink more rum and do more fighting than any 2 Reg’ts in the service, and I guess it is so.
     Comp.A detailed on Patrol duty to day. Co. D. & H. are on Piquet and B. on gaurd so we have now only 5 Comp. for duty to day.
     Went into the Hospital to day have some Chills, much Diarrhea and some Rheumatism, and am pretty well used up all though, for the first time & I hope the last.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Monday 2
     A fine day.  there is a party of
     Guerillas prowling round the outside
     Of the city.  a ???? to the citizens but
     They wont stay long our troops are
     Getting rather plenty all around here
     Above & below.  this is a fine place
     It is a great deal higher than the
     River and the air is better than
     It is down N Orleans way.

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     June 1, 1862. Arrived in the evening.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
      June 1-Sunday
     Weather cloudy and unpleasant
     Landed at Baton Rouge at 10 ½ AM and put the stars and Stripes on the Capitol of La. the Senate & Representations rooms where a little more than one year ago Louisiana was voted out of the Union are now occupied by the troops of the 30th Mass Regiment.
     It is a splendid building built a little after Gothic style, built of Brick covered with mortar and bears good evidence of the mark-manship of our gunners from the fleet in the shape of Grape shot holes in the front walls. Our Comp & Comp A Officers occupy the room of the secretary of State. Found lots of Blank Commissions for La. Volunteers all signed by Gov. Moore. filled out one and sent to Leonard Brown of Citizen & News office of Lowell. We find a very fine painting of our old flagg over the Speakers chair in Representative Hall. Strange it should have been allowed to remain. A beautiful Statue of Washington cut in marble an excellent piece of work stands in the Dome, pictures of Clay, Webster, Franklin and more all of our big men adorn the walls. the grounds around the house are beautifully laid out and full of flowers of al kinds, in full blow, really beautiful sight and such a one as we seldom see north even in midsummer perfectly lovely.
     The inhabitants seem to most of them have left town or City as they call it here. wrote letters to Jane, Deacon Brown H.C. Drew, and sent by Lieut Farsons. also one to Nell.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday, June 1
     Looks like rain.  the steamer Ceres[?]
     Took our regt on shore where we
     Were formed in a line and marched
     To the State House where we were
     To be quartered.  we threw the good
     Old flag to the breeze amid 9 heartey
     Cheers and music from the band.
     We had a battalion drill this PM.
     I have got a fine birth and desk.