
Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 31, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 31-Monday
     It really seems hotter than yesterday if such a thing is possible. I never saw such weather in my life. it is en-tirely impossible for a person to keep at all comfortable.
     We are drilling hard and im-proving fast every day and I think we are just as fit now for service as any Reg’t that is going away now. but our turn has not come yet & we must await it.
     Troops are still embarking the 26 & 9 Conn. have gone back to 2nd to wait until more transport are ready for them.
     Lieut Whitcomb has been detailed on Court Martial. Col Dudley is on the same court. it is a General Ct Martial. Capt Haggerty has been appointed Judge Advo-cate.
     Drills as usual.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Monday 31
     This is a very hot day there is
     No news stirring.  it very hot
     Drilling.  we have 2 Battalion
     Drills a day there is about
     6,000 waiting orders to move.

Friday, March 30, 2012

March 30, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 30-Sunday
     An awful hot sultry and oppressive morning at 9 or a little [---] it cleared was a little and is the warmest day we have had since we have been here.
     Review and Inspection by Brg’dr Gen Shepley. pass in review about one mile March. Wm. B. Smith had to be carried to Quarters. had a sort if a faint brought on but the heat. got better very soon. Inspection by Comp. Commanders on parade ground  and march Comp to Quarters.
     The first Brigade commence to embark to day are going some where but no one knows just where it is. Except there at Head Quarters. Capt Brown Sappers & Miners go with them.
     A Steamer or rather two Steamer passed just in sight of here with Rebel soldiers on board towards N. Orleans, the New London put after them but did not succeed in catching them.
     Wrote to Mother and enclosed $10.00 will be sent by the next mail. [Illustration]

Corlp. B. B. Smith:
      Sunday 30
     Fine day again.  but very hot
     We had a brigade inspection
     By Brigr. Genl. Shipley our
     Brigade is composed of the
     30th Mass. & 12th. 13th. 14th. Maine
     Regts.  it was very hot i took
     Dinner with Uncle Ben to day
     I got a letter from sarah last night
     And wrote an answer to day.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

March 29, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 29-Saturday
     Still fine weather, very warm.
     Tomorrow is our Inspection by Brigadir Gen’l Shepley the first appearance of his honor since taking command of the Brigade.
     Drill in the morning as usual. Battalion and Company ditto.
     At noon the heat was almost intolerable. it seems as if it would burn though our clothes.
     Capt Brown expecting orders every moment for a man. Capt Shipley getting along finely. Lieut Louvrin getting tired almost of waiting for transportation home.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Saturday, March 29, 1862.
     Another pleasant Morning a ship
     and gunboat arrived here this
     Forenoon.  Gen Williams Division
     Got marching orders this PM
     And are busy packing up they
     Dont know where they are to
     Go.  the 4th & 6th Mass Battery
     Go with them.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 28, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From 2 Letters:
     March 28, 1862. The General and Staff came ashore to-day. A salute of thirteen guns was fired. Colonel French is to be on General Butler's Staff.
     Our new Colonel, N. A. M. Dudley, and the Major have arrived, and taken command. Lieutenant Tenny, from Boston, has been appointed Quartermaster. Lieutenant Claiborne has resigned and will go home. One of the new Lieutenants will take his place. The division has been formed into brigades, under Generals Phelps, Williams and Shepley; we are under Shepley. The three cavalry companies are distributed to the three Brigadier Generals. The island is becoming slightly domesticated. A large number of hens and turkeys have been brought out and they are strutting around the camp. The steamer Connecticut arrived this forenoon with the mail. I hope I shall have a letter. Good bye, from


     Ship Island, March 28, 1862.

     I received your letter last night in a bundle of papers, dated February 18, also a package of papers which were sent to father. In spite of all you have done, I receive the news of the war before I get your letters. I think some of them miscarry. A mail has arrived to-day, which has been lying at Fort Monroe, dated February 6. I hear that an advance will be made in less than ten days. Three companies have gone to Horn Island to obtain cattle. An engagement took place between one of our gunboats and five rebel steamers, about ten miles from here, towards Mississippi; we could partially see it. A sand bar between them prevented much harm being done. A part of our expedition leaves to-day, viz., the Western, the 12th Connecticut, the 26th Massachusetts, under General Butler and General Williams. No one knows where their destination will be. The rest expect to follow soon. I have seen a paper dated March 10, which gave an account of an engagement between the Monitor and the Merrimac. A flag of truce came over, which was brought by four white men and women, these were the first white women I have seen since I left Fortress Monroe. How the soldiers ran to look at them! They wore log cabin bonnets and two were quite pretty. There are eleven ships unloading here, besides some steamers. A building is being erected in the rear of Read's shop which is to be used as a machine shop. I am afraid we shall be whipped, as the enemy are all being driven south and we shall have to take them in the rear, where, if we get ashore, there will be no retreat. I don't think the General has sufficient force, but he may come out all right. All will fight manfully. I like the new Quartermaster pretty well. I shall leave all my baggage behind and take only a blanket, haversack and canteen. We may go to Fort Jackson by land and then throw up fortifications. Warm weather is coming on and alligators are hatching.

2d Lieut Elliot:
     March 28-Friday
     Weather warm and pleasant as usual.
     Relieved from gaurd at 9A.M. by Lieut Brown one of our new Officers appointed for Comp. A. fired at target and went on Battalion drill in the afternoon.
     Got two letters from my wife this morning dated Feb 5 & 7th wrote one and put into the office an shall another if I can get the chance before the mail [---] there is nothing new to write that I can think of now. except that we expect one of our Brigades will move from here soon and is still probably be Gen’l Williams Company 26th Maine, 9 Conn. & the 3 Western Regiments, 1 Battery 1 Company Mounted Rifles.
     Our Colonel I find to be a fine man and a gentleman, and one who knows his business thoroughly. I like his style of drilling and am under the impression that he will be liked & respected by Officers and men. I for one have taken altogether a different view of him from what we expected to.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Friday 28
     Another very hot day the steamer
     Hatteras arrived this morning
     The large Steamer Froyusis[?]
     Arrived this afternoon with
     Orders for the army.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 27, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 27-Thursday
     Weather warm and pleasant this morning.
     I am Officer of the Gaurd this day find our new regulation as gaurd more strict than they have usually been I have to be up all night to night and not allowed take off any of my equip-ments. Capt. Wells is Officer of the day. I like him much.
     Got a letter & box from Jane dated Feb 16th some time ago but I am very much pleased to get even old letters. she sends me 2 books and some papers which were also very acceptable to me. I also got one from my Mother which was written in expectation of an answer from me before leaving Fortress Monroe.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday 27
     A very hot day to drill in just
     Wrote a letter home there was a man
     Came in from the rebel shore and
     Brought his kitt[?] with him he says
     There is a great deal of suffering
     Among these rebels the Colorado
     Sailed this evening destination
     Unknown.  but we expect the
     Expedition on the Missisippi River

Monday, March 26, 2012

March 26, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 26-Wednesday
     Weather warm indeed it is a very hot day. perspiration run quite freely have an hour very fine drill as Battalion.
     Lieut. Wm. F. Lovrin recieved the acceptance of his resignation. Lieut Whitcomb of Comp A being Senior 2nd Lieut. has recieved the appointment. takes his position tomorrow.
     There has been quite a fluttering among the line officers to day Lieut Col Jonas H. French & Lieut Finegass & [---] mustered out of the service to day. & Capt. Nelson of Comp H. recieved the ap-pointment of Provost Marshall for the Dept. of the Gulf. Briggs put into Comp. H. vice Finegass mustered out. Lieut. Brown into Comp. A. vice Whitcomb promoted these two last are Gov. Andrews appointment. and met with rather a cool reception. and no doubt will continue to receive all annoyances that can be given them.
     To day we recieved quite a mail. I got a letter from my Mother dated Feb 2nd and one from my wife dated Feb 6th they were both very welcome although some what old. but old letters are a great deal better than none. for I now do know at least how my wife and mother were situated a little more then a month ago.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Wednesday, March 26, 1862.
     Another fine day.  a large ship the
     Western Express arrived this morn
     With Horses she started with 200
     And lost half of them on the voyage
     They are unloaded them to day.  the
     Gun Boat Hatteras arrived this PM.
     I got a letter & paper from home
     Good News and glad to hear from

Sunday, March 25, 2012

March 25, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 25-Tuesday
     Weather warm and pleasant as usual.
     Santiago sailed this morning our mail contained 1017 letters to day. Sent one home to night.
     Orderly Sergeant of Mounted Rifles died and was buried at 2 O Clock P.M.
     The New London brought in a prize taken some 2 or 3 days since. Loaded with fur-nature. and of a very nice kind. A fine Piano was among the lot. I hear it has been turned over to Major General Butler, for his use.
     The New London had quite a brush this P.M. she had 2 Heavy Gun Boats against her but did not get hurt in the least. and done no special damage to either of them. the report was that she had been captured. But at about 8 O Clock she very quietly came into the Harbor and dropped anchor. it at once removed a load from our hearts. for without her we would be in a precarious situation, for she is the only protection we have here.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday 25
     Fine again.  the steamer isle de
     Cuba sailed this morning with
     The mail.  we have hard drills now
     Days.  our men all well & hearty
     There was one of the MRR buried
     This PM.  there was heavy firing
     Across the river this afternoon
     It was the new london having a
     Brush with the Florida & Oregon
     She drove the 2 and crippled them

Saturday, March 24, 2012

March 24, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 24-Monday
     Weather very fine. warm and pleasant.
     One of Gen. [Gov.] Andrews newly appointed Lieut has been assigned to Comp. F. Reltys [Kelty's] fire Zouares as 2nd Lieut Vici Claiborne mustered out or discharged.
     Lieut Penny another of the same stamp has been appointed 2nd Vici Parker. Post Master of the Department of the Gulf as our Dept. is known now the poor N.E 2nd is no more it has had its last struggle but died game and no doubt the officer of the Eastern Bay State will also.
     Lieut N.R. Reed of Comp. D has been appointed on fatigue duty permanently. got his appointment yesterday. A hard job and neither thanks or honor attach ed to it.
     Had out first Battalion drill to day under our new Colonel to day. He knows his business thoroughly I should judge. and I was lucky enough to appear in command as Lieut L. was sick. Lieut Lovrin has tendered his resignation. and is going home if it is accepted. no doubt it will be for applicants for us poor unfortunate Lieuts are as plenty as fish in the sea for our positions. it matters not wether they come by them honorably or no as long as they get them. that is all they want.
     Three Rebels came over here to day from New Orleans in a small boat. they report things as getting quite desperate there now. no provisions, no ammunition & no anything, and not much feeling for Sesession. but this is all humbug.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
      Monday 24
     Another fine day.  Com drill from
     7 to 8 Oclock.  the colonel drilled us
     Today the gun boat isle de cuba
     Arrived to day with a mail and
     Orders.  Bussiness i driving all over
     The island.  there was a number
     Of Commd. officers come with
     The Colonel.

Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe,
     March 23, 1862. Company E, Captain Brown, was detached from the regiment to act as pioneers.
From a Letter:
     Ship Island, March 23, 1862.
     Although I haven't received a letter from you since I arrived, I will write. The steamer Mississippi arrived on Wednesday morning, bringing the General and his Staff, also the Western Bay State Regiment. It has been blowing hard since then, consequently they haven't landed. They were obliged to stop ten days at Port Royal on account of a disaster; the steamer ran aground and stove a hole in her bottom. Aide-de-Camp Weigel was ashore yesterday, and says the Captain is in irons, and they think he is secesh.
     A number of changes will take place in our regiment as Governor Andrew has gained the day. The Colonel takes command to-day, and the Major soon after. I understand that the new Quartermaster is to be Post Commissary. Probably Colonel Butler will go home. Our officers feel like going home, two, for none like the new arrangement. Colonel French will be on the General's Staff, if he chooses, as Inspector General. Possibly the non-commissioned staff will be superseded and then what will become of me? It is astonishing to see the wirepulling for commissions; nearly all who succeed do so through influence only, no matter whether they are dummies or not. It is vexatious to see aspirants gain their points, who, literally, know nothing in military affairs. Governor Andrew has sent five officers, who don't know enough to tie up the door of a tent. This is a fact, for I pitched a tent for them and one asked me how to tie the door up. The boys say he is to finish his study in Greek at Ship Island, as he left college to come here. ,AM are sorry to lose Colonel French. I rode up the island, on horseback, the other day. Plimpton is in Read's store. We have the following regiments here: the 26th Massachusetts, the 9th Connecticut, Eastern Bay State (30th Massachusetts), [Western Bay State (31st Massachusetts), the 12th Connecticut, the 8th New Hampshire, the l2th, 13th and 14th Maine, the 21st Indiana, one from Michigan, one from Wisconsin, Major Read's three companies of cavalry and four batteries, and more are coming. The navy consists of one frigate, two sloops of war and six or eight gunboats.;
     I weigh one hundred and fifty-nine pounds and am very well. I have obtained the autographs of our regimental officers, which I will send home. I heard that Captain George has been arrested for cheating in the contracts for the government. Is that so?

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 23-Sunday
     Pleasant and quite warm though still windy.
     Col Dudley went through in-Spection. this morning he appears like a smart man and I guess he is so.
     Still more trouble Col Shipley has been appointed Brig’r Gen 12th 13th 14th Maine and our noted Regiment in his brigade. this is like the last straw that breaks the Camels back and it seems as though I could stand no more.
     Freeman Butler was in this morning and says there Is a package on board the Mississippi for me. I should like to see it.
     Captain Brown’s Company E. has been detailed on detached service as Pioneers or Sappers & Miners. they are under orders of Lieut.— of the Engineer Corps. Sergeant F. W. Clark of Comp E recieved his commission as 2nd Lieut in this Regiment to day but has not as yet been as-signed to any particular Comp. probably will go into Comp. E as Lieut Gardner has the offer of 2nd. Lieut in 2nd. Vermont Battery.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday, March 23, 1862.
     A fine but cold day another gun
     Boat arrived this morning Our New
     Colonel inspected us this morning
     His name is N A M Dudley and he
     Is a good looking man.  Butler
     Landed this morn with his wife
     And servant girl.  there was a
     Member of Co. E. buried to day.  there
     Is about 13 or 14,000 troops here on
     The island now quite an army.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     March 22, 1862. Captain N. A. M. Dudley, 10th Infantry, U. S. A., was commissioned Colonel by Governor Andrew February 8, 1862, arrived and took command March 22,1862, and the regiment was reorganized. Up to this date no officer had been commissioned; H. O. Whittemore is Major.

2nd Lieut. Elliot:
     March 22-Saturday
     Wind still blowing high and General Butler not come ashore yet.
     Col Dudley came on shore and assumed command of our Regiment to day under the title of Mass 30th Reg’t of Volunteers. I have no commission or appointment in that Regiment. merely acting in that capacity.
     Capt L. & Lieut L. say they are a going home at any rate. as for myself I know not what I shall do as yet no doubt I should be warmly welcomed by my wife and friends should I go, but still I do not like to go for the name of it. for nothing more. some think we can go honorably at this on that point I have yet to make my mind. if I come to that conclusion I shall return home if it is possibly. for I can never be counted under new Field and staff. and a change in the line Officers I did not want to see.
     Col French made us a speech in which he gave us many thanks for our uniform [---] of his orders. and thanked us all for the assistance we have rendered him since he had been connected with us and the Regiments. when we were neither of us recognized by Mass on every legal authority only by our own personal friends.
     Col Dudley made us an introductory speech in which I could [---] make my mind as to his ideas and character. I should much prefer Col French for a commander. and felt very bad when I know I must [---] him from our Reg’t.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Saturday 22
     We had a hard blow last night and
     It is cold enough for a fire in the
     Tent the Lewis has not got to the
     Wharfe yet.  i had a nia[?] salt M????
     For breakfast it went first rate
     They are building some large
     Buildings.  such as Store  Houses Barracks
     And other kinds.  a sail road to the
     Wharfe.  Our new Colonel come
     Ashore to day his Name is Dudley.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 21, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 21-Friday
     Cold and very windy day Gen. Butler has not yet come ashore. the tide is very high and driving right on shore. it is dangerous for a boat to make the attempt
     Col Dudley was on shore to day looked the Regiment over and consider it a fine one.
     I suppose there will be some changes in our line Officers very soon. Though probably must for a week or two.
     No drills at all to day on account of our [---] having no Officers that have any authority for the Mass 30 as this Regiment will be known hereafter. though we are have had no orders as yet.
     Lieut Louvrin is on gaurd to day. a nice day for it.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Friday 21
     Still blowing very hard had a cold
     Night of it on the old boat.  but we
     Got ashore this morning about 9[?] Ock
     It was very rough and we got well wet
     In the operation there was 2 or 3
     Large Gun Boats arrived yesterday
     With soldiers on board.  Butler has not
     Landed yet.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March 20, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     The long looked for Mississippi has at last arrived. and has on board Major Gen’l Butler and a portion of his staff 
     Harry Wigel came on shore and run us while we were on drill this morning was very glad to see him. now we shall soon know who are to be the Officers of the Mass 30th Capt & I have some notion of going home at any rate luck do not know fully as yet. Col Dudley was on shore and looked the Regiment over a little at dress parade but was not introduced to us. will be tomorrow
     Col French tells us that he will appear as our immediate Commander no more. he thanked the present officers very kindly for their attention to his orders while he has been in command and seemed to feel very bad to think some one was to fill his and some of our places.
     The Mississippi has [---] Captain and mate in [---]. for [---] her on shore it seems they run her on shore 3 times on her trip. then the vessel was put into the hands of a sailing mas-ter who brought her into port.
     The Western Bay State Regiment is on board and a fourth of the N.H. 8th cannot land them to day on account of the rough state of weather.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Thursday, March 20, 1862.
     We had a hard blow last night
     And a cold morning.  i had to go on
     Board the Lewis and go on fatigue
     Duty unloading the Ship and ??????
     1 Coming up to ??? had to stay all
     Night.  the steamer Missisippi
     Come in this morn with Butler
     And Staff on board and some
     Other troops for the army.

Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19, 1862

2nd Lieut. Elliot:
     March 19-Wednesday
     Morning very warm and oppressive the heat is almost unbearable.
     We had a Regiment drill this morn. at 12 N. it commenced raining and storm hard all the afternoon.
     2 more ships arrived and the Gun boat Miami of Phila which we put back to Fortress Monroe with, [---]
     I hear has a large mail on board for us. it is a rainy day and I have no news to write.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Wednesday 19
     A drill day.  another larger Ship
     Arrived to day with the other 400
     Of the NH 8th on board they
     Have been 32 days coming from
     Boston a long passage there is
     Troop arriving every day.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 18, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     Weather in the morning warm and pleasant. I say warm it is so warm that Apron is uncomfortable with either vest or coat on. if at home would call it a hot day.
     An Alligator was killed on the upper end of the Island this morning mustering 7 feet long
     2 ships came in with [---] this morning one of them had the 8 New Hampshire Reg’t on board they have been 21 days on their passage Gen. Ayer is with them as first Lieut of Comp B. he was in to see us to day
     Brigade drill this P.M. just as we got through there commenced one of their little [---] which are peculiar to the climate [---] into one of our peculiar storms of rain and wind lasted all night
     News of a Heavy fight in the west in which the Rebels lose 3 Generals and a large number of prisoners. our loss was very heavy. this news came by a Southern paper found in a schooner taken as a prize by the “Black devil of the Gulf,” or as we call it the New London.
     Ben McCullock is one of the Generals who was killed.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday 18
     Fine again. i am on guard to day
     The Ship E W Farley[?] arrived this AM
     With 600 of the 8th NH Regt. on
     Board they landed this evening and
     Had to sleep in the hay.  a ship & gun
     Boat in sight New London come
     In with a schooner as a prize we had
     A Hard shower which made the N
     Hampshire boys stare.  a lone[?] rail Roa[d?]
     Building to convey baggage.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

March 17, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     Weather warm and pleasant Relieved from fatigue this morn no battalion will this morn is as to give our men a chance to celebrate St. Patrick’s day a great portion of them being Irish.
     2 Gun. and fury boats arrived here this morning bieng 2 out of 4 which started pour this place. 2 were [suncked - ?] on the passage.
     Brigade drill this P.M. from 2 until 6 O Clock 5 regiments.
     Warren W. Gilson sent to the Fort under charges preferred by Lieut Louvren for conduct predudicial to military discipline and authority.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Monday, March 17, 1862.
     A fine morn. St. Patricks day
     No drill this AM. the Colorado
     Is here i see george arrington[?] and
     Pike today John[?] Evelethe[?] is in her
     And is well. there was an alligator
     Killed up in the sinkes[?] about 5 feet
     Long. the frigate Com[?] Preble[?] sailed
     To day. there was 2 ??? Transports
     Arrived this PM. they are to convey
     Troops to the forts ?? ???? to day[?].

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 16, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 16-Sunday
     Today by our rules or orders is my fatigue duty day. I reported with my gaurd of Friday. after Inspection go on board transport North America and unload provisions on to the Anna, and land them at the wharf. the work of 3 days is now used up by gaurd duty, and instead of the easiest duty done it is the hardest we unloaded about 200 Barrels in all to day. Flour, Potatoes, and Hard Bread. Caps of the ship asked me in to dinner with him & of course I did not refuse, had a very fine dinner got though for to day about 3 ½ P.M. just in time for drill parade. Bill up in the woods Horseback. and I was just in time to save his bacon.
     Our Mortar fleet is supposed to have gone to fort Jackson on the Miss issippi. I hope we will be successful. It is reported that 26th and 9th Con Reg’ts to here under order to be ready to more at a minute notice.
     If this is so probably our turn will come next. but I do want at least one letter from my wife before I leave here.
     Order issued by Col French that all men must attend divine services at least once every Sunday. and all those who are well and fit for duty and do not do so will be punished to day I [---] on duty have not been able to attend. I like Dr Cleveland much and like to hear him preach.. I have now been connected with this Company longer than I was at the Relay House but being in for much longer time I do not count the minutes at all as I did there. and am therefore astonished to look back and find how long it is ever since we left Lowell. Almost 2 long months and 6 weeks since I heard from home. I hope she has recieved my letters for she would be in a continual worry.
     Paid for my Blue pants to day 2.82

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday 16
     Fine again the steamer Constitution
     Sailed this morning.  A rebel ??
     Schooner[?] run the blockade this morn
     The new london gave chase but
     Was to late.  took a walk up to the
     Rangers and see[?] ? H Hilton[?] he
     Was quite smart.  there was 2
     Of the Mich Regt buried this
     AM.  there is a number of sick
     Among them we had divine worship
     And then our company were all
     Turned out to do fatigue dut[y] such
     As unloading flour bricks and
     All sorts of stuff.  Good finishing
     Up of sunday.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 15, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 15-Friday
     Relieved from Gaurd by Lieut Horn of Company A. at 10 O Clock. went down with my gaurd & fired their pieces at a target. two of twenty-two. hit the board the Best shot was from C.F.
     David Young gave me $5.00 to take care of for him. he is afraid of losing or having it stolen from him.
     Our Mortar fleet, or 20 vessels of is sailed from here this after noon, its destination has not been made known. It is sup-posed they have gone up the Mississippi. to some of their Forts if so and they succeed their will be a more room for some of us.
     Bill and I walked up part all of the encampments, we now have some. 9 Regiments of infantry, 4 Batterys of Artillery, and 8 companys of Cavalry. our Calvary may as well be infantry for all the Horses they have here. good frames but either have never been built upon or are all worn out.
     Weather to day has been very fine warm pleasant and as fine as one could ask for. No drills after 12 O Cock and no duty except getting ready for Lundry Inspection. Equipment and Quarters to be cleaned and policed the balance of the time is the mens own to do what they choose except leaving the island.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Saturday 15
     We had a terrific storm of rain
     And thunder Lightning and high
     Winds last night this morn it
     Was very cold a fire being needed
     For comfort.  there was 22 gun
     And mortar boats left here this
     Morning to join the fleet in the
     Mississippi i paid 1 Doll for tobacco
     I have seen a number of Roosters &
     Hens to day.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 14, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:

     March 14-Friday
     Colorado came in this morning
     My turn on gaurd again this morning an unpleasant day for it to.
     Sent home by Adams Express $150.00 to my wife insured and paid the express charges to Lowell, $4.00 No# of Check 42. No# Capt check for $200. No# Bills Check for $100.00. Capt sent $25 besides his check. My check was for 125.00 and 25 in treasury notes. It goes on the Con-stitution.
     Today has been the roughest days gaurd duty done on this Island since we have been here. a tremendous storm came on. and it has rained and blown all day very heavily. The tide rose the homes from the Battery up near Reads Sutton store. and even they were knee deep in water. Our plank walk but nearly all floated from the lower end of the island. and on the South shore. The water has come up so far it was found to be necessary to move the tents of the Maine & Vermont to Battery’s all those that had not already blown down. About 8 O Clock in the evening I was called upon to clean out our Sutton place. when was some 10 or 12 Maine Officers (belonging to the Colorado and other War vessells in our Harbor) who came getting very drunk and noisy, had to arrest one a gunner Border kept him some 2 hours or more finally took him up to my quarters and gave him my bed to sleep on. just at the time I put him in our gaurd tent, our gaurd tents both came both came down and we were forced to take then to a place of safety the water being ankle deep in them already and still raising finally pitched one as 11 O Clock and kept it up until mourn for our men to sleep in. Moon now shining so bright I can read a gaurd retail without any aid but the morninglight. Went up to Drs and wrote a long letter to Jane. To [---] in morning on Constitution got no sleep at all.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Friday, March 14, 1862
     A Stormy day i wrote a few
     Lines to send home with my
     Money.  sent 40 Dolls[?] by Deams[?] & Co
     Express.  the tide is very high
     Coming within a few feet of our
     Tents the island is getting rather
     Thick settled almost inhabitants
     Enough for a city.  Butler is
     Expected here soon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March 13, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 13-Thursday
     Morning very warm and Salty the most uncomfortable feeling day we have had thus far.
     8 A.M. took our Company up to Major Watson for payment 27 of our men recieved no pay on account of an error of the Mustering Officer Capt Lemes not giving us the proper certificate to show they have been duly mustered into service.
     Today we have had our usual amount of drills our Brigade was increased one Regiment. by the addition of the Maine 14th they now much better than the 12th Me although a much younger Regiment.
     The Colorado attempted to come in to day but met with the usual luck and run aground. the same as [---] everything has that is connected with this division
     The Mississippi has not shown herself as yet.
     Ocean Pearl is discharging her cargo of horses today.
     Gen Thompson was in our Quarters tonight it seems he come out on the Black Prince when she lost so many horses. started with 153 and saved only 5. he is going to work for Reeves the [---] of Me 12th.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Thursday 13
     Got paid off last night i had
     55.45[?] cts. due me.  we had this
     Fornoon to write our friends
     I wrote a letter to send home
     By the fulton which sails
     This noon with the mail the
     Good Steam Ship Constitution
     Arrived yesterday with 3 regts
     On board from NewPort News
     They are landing to day they are
     A hearty looking set of men they
     Are the 4th Wis. 6th Mich. & 21st
     Indiana Regts. they were fired
     Into by the rebels from Sewalls Pt
     But not hit.  the men are all
     Busy writing home and sending
     Thier money.  a large steamer come
     In to day the harbor is full
     Of Vessels of all kinds a storm brewing

Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12, 1862

2nd Lieut. Elliot:
     March 12-Wednesday
     Morning cold and cloudy. commenced raining about 9 O Clock AM bids fair for a stormy day.
     No drills to day on account of the storm.
     Noon a vessell have in sight that looks very much like the Constitution, there is much speculation about wether it is her or not.
     3 ½ O Clock P.M. the Constitution now lays out in our harbor at Anchor. for the vessel spoken of above appears to be her. She has on board for troops. a Wisconsin Regiment. the one that relieved us at the Relay house last summer and a Minnesota and an Indiana Regiment in all 2,900 and some old men Dr. Kimballs son is also on board. they report the Mississippi at Port Royal with Major Gen. B.F. Butler and staff on board, she put into Port Royal to repair damages done her by running aground are a shoal. she has 1 whole and some 600 men of another Reg’t. on board. I also hear by the Constitution that Billy Fiske has command of a Company of Zouaris in the Western Bay State, or Mass 31st Reg’t. I hope this is so.
     Constitution was fired into from [Sewalls - ?] point by the Rebels one shot [---] between her smoke stack and main mast. a number of then struck quite close to her, 5 shots were fired she had to go up to Newport News to get her troops as Gen. Wood would not permit them to land at Fortress Monroe.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Wednesday 12
     Rather a cool morning the
     Pay master has begun to pay off
     Our regiment Our company
     Have signed the pay roll and
     Will be paid off this evening if
     Nothing happens.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:  Dated March 10th
     March 11, 1862. A number of schooners are coming in to-day, which are a part of a mortar fleet, so you may expect to hear from us ere long. A company went to the island fishing, to-day. They caught in the seine a lot of salmon and bass. I have a green palm leaf, which is used as a fan; it is pretty and I wish you had it. I suppose you are singing, "Oh, the Cold, Stormy March Days." The mail is about to close, so must I.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 11-Tuesday
     Weather warm and pleasant to day and some hard work on our hands.
     1 hours Company drill from 8 to 9 2 hours Regimental drill from 10 to 12 1 hours Company drill from 2 ½ to 3 ½ Brigade drill from 3 ½ “ 6 O Clock if this is not some drill for one day I don’t know anything about it.
     Some 20 Mortar Boats have arrived here to day shower tonight.
     Nothing of news to day write in fact it is but dull mornin here to make the best of it. and no doubt we shall have something to liven it up for us soon. for there are pretty stormy indications of a move in some direction very soon. our War vessells are all sending down their ships and putting them in shore and putting them in fighting trim.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday March 11, 1862.
     Fine again the idahoe on the
     Flats yet.  they have thrown over
     5 or 600 Barrels of provisions to
     Lighten her there was a fleet
     Of mortar boats and some Gun
     Boats come here to day they are
     To join in the expedeition on
     The Missippi river we had a
     Brigade drill to day.  Col Jones
     Of the 26th went over to Missisip
     City with about 100 men and
     Got more than he bargained for
     The rebels sent him back with a
     Flea[?]in his ear Uncle Ben
     Sent his money home with a
     Letter yesterday.  Hugh[?] McGlue[?]
     Was here to see me last night
     He is in the 6th[?] Battery of Mass
     His health is first rate.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

March 10, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:
Portions from this letter moved  to the dates that they refer to (treated as thought they were a diary entry. 

     Ship Island, March 10, 1862.
     As there is a mail going to-morrow, I will write. My last was sent in the South Carolina, by way of Key West. I wrote you of the scouting party to Horn Island, which island used to be a breeding ranch, owned by Southerners. I received a letter dated March 6, by way of Fortress Monroe, dated February 12, directed to father.

...March 7
...March 9
     March 10, 1862. Troops are being landed; all is confusion on the wharf. I have pitched the tents for our tenth company. The ship Ocean Pearl arrived with horses, of which they lost ten on the passage. Captain Jones has been discharged for knocking down a contraband on the steamer; father knows him. Parker has received his papers as Postmaster. We have quite a large fleet here now, and I don't think we shall stop here long after the General arrives. I think it will be a pity if Colonel French has to go home, after he has worked so hard to drill the regiment. We had a brigade drill this afternoon, consisting of four regiments; it was a grand sight. We draw ten days' rations to-morrow for the regiment.
...March 11


2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 10-Monday
     Morning salty and very warm Idaho still by aground although they have thrown a number of Barrels of provisions from on board into the sea. Salt Beef, Rice etc. this seems a pity when there are a many men on the Island
     This morning another War Vessell arrived here but not the one long looked for in which is Gen. Butler Barney McCabe came on shore to day and is now in our Company he was arrested in Sewall just before the Idaho sailed. Ansart has not arrived yet.
     The Maine & Vermont Batterys have both come ashore to day and camped on our parade ground. the Connecticut and Maine Regiments have Encamped on the South shore of the Island up above the 26th Reg’t. we must now have some 8,000 men on the Island. this makes quite a force. but I do not think enough to take New Orleans. though I think we may have an opportunity to see before long.
     Today we had our first experience in Brigade drills. 4 Regiments under command of Brig. Gen’l Phelps, it must have been a fine shore for a Spectator we had a very nice drill though a little severe for our first attempt.
     Today I finished my equestrian portrait of our honorable Gov of Massachusetts, his excellency John A Andrews. who has sent us out a lot of his young aspirant for military honors Bah= all in my eye. I don’t see it in that light. Cilligians and Greek Scholars are not the men for our expedition it wants different kind of Stock, especially when they acknowledge thy have no military experience whatever.
     This day seems winding up with a Thunder shower and rains quite fast.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Monday 10
     A fine day again i go on fatigue
     Duty to day with the guard.
     There is a great many arrivals[?]
     Of strangers here every day
     There is a large gang of men
     Here to work on the fort and
     Build other large buildings.
     There was 4 Mules landed Saturday
     For working here in carts.

Friday, March 9, 2012

March 9, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
     March 9, 1862. Monday. Company K, our tenth company, joined us. This is a dreary place to bring troops; where the wind blows the sand drifts like snow. It is hard to make the tent pins secure in such ground. I was pleased to meet father here, he having preceded me and was in charge of some mechanics who have erected building for storage, etc. Our regimental store-house is occupied in part, at one end, by the sutler. The boys wanted some of his lager beer, so Sergeant Fay and I tied a small rope to a pail and one of us went over the partition and turned the faucet, repeating our raids until the barrel was empty. There being no friendship or mercy shown for sutlers* nothing was done about it.

From a Letter:  Dated March 10th
     March 9, 1862. The ship Idaho arrived, bringing a tenth company with their batteries. A member of Company C died and was buried under arms to-day. The Chaplain preached a short sermon, the text was: "He that is not with me, is against me." We all like the Chaplain very much.

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 9-Sunday
     A very pleasant day. inspection by Company commanders in Regimental line on Reg’t parade ground.
     Services in Afternoon by Dr. Clinton text those who are not with me are against me he illustrated by comparing our war with Sucess like this. those that are not Union or loyal must be Secesh there can be no ½ way in the matter. this is his argument on religion and it may be a true one.
     Capt Brown buried that morn of his to day. had the Connecticut Band, the Maine Regiment 12th also buried one. they had the 26th Band. Browns man was a Catholic and the Priest Officiated.
     Our new Officers seem to be shunned by all of our present Officers and well may they be. for no one of us knows but our own head is to be out off to make room for them. and not many of us seem to care much. they have doubtlessly heard some remarks not very pleasant to their ears.
     Lieut Frost has been down and paid us a short visit this eve had quite a nice little talk.
     Col Jones and one of his Companys I. I believe, went over to Mississippi City. and after proceeding up the Wharf some 350 feet discovered a body of Rebels awaiting them with a Battery, with which they poured in a volley of Grape and had they followed up their advantage. would no doubt have either killed or taken prisoners the whole lot. Jones men were not loaded nor had they bayonets fixed. one man only was wounded and he not severely.
     Steamers supposed to be the Mississippi has been laying off all day. the Idaho has at last arrived, but like all the rest of this unlucky division, she is aground near the other shore, under the protecting wing of one of our Gun Boats.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday 9
     Fine again.  the ship Idaho was
     Run aground near bat[?] Island they
     Lay on an oyster bed.  there was a
     Member of Co. C burried the PM.
     And one of the 12th Maine Regt.
     But the men are getting
     Healthy again.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 8, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 8-Saturday
     Steamer Fulton arrived here this morning she has the Maine 13 a portion of it, & the Connecticut 12th on board reports the Mississippi within 20 hours sail of her with Major General Butler on board and our 10th company.
     Tremendous Excitement!! at Camp Thompson
     Time 11 O Clock AM 5 Offices 1st & 2nd Lieutenants have come on shore from the Fulton for our Regiment. it seems that Major Gen. Butler has been beaten by Gov. Andrews and the results is that we have a Colonel Dudley. Lieut. Col Lincoln, and Major Whitemore besides any quantity of Lieuts. it seems as though we are to have a change in our Officers. these men having their Commission have the advantage of us. all our Lieuts are shaking in their boots every one thinking it is him of course.
     Today a member of Comp E Thomas Hare. died from a fit of Appoplexy is to be buried tomorrow.
     Today our uniforms Coats have been given out and fitted to our men but they are shocking fits.
     Lieut Willey has returned it seems he got blown out to sea and could not get back went way out to rebel shore and came near being taken

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Saturday, March 8, 1862
     Fine again the steamer fulton[?]
     And ship oceon pearl arrived
     This morn with the Conn 12th
     Maine 13th & 800 of the 14th Maine
     Regt. on board from camp chase
     Which they left about Feby. 7th
     The ship idahoe arrived below[?] with
     3 Batty. on board ??? Mass. Maine 1st
     And Vermont 1st on board.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March 7, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:  Dated March 10th
      March 7, 1862.
     Water froze in my tent. A steamer came in today which proved to be the Calhoun, taken awhile since from the enemy. She will be a good boat to run up the creeks into the main land, as she draws only six feet of water and will run sixteen miles an hour. A schooner arrived with mechanics aboard, who come to re-build the Fort; they brought the materials with them. On March 8 the steamer Fulton arrived with six companies of the Maine 13th Regiment. Five Lieutenants came on her with their commissions in their pockets, signed by Governor Andrew, to join our regiment; it seems that the Governor has carried his point and some of our officers will be forced to go home. It causes hard feelings, I assure you.
     The General is expected every day on the Mississippi, also a new Colonel, Major, etc. .The General may bring his entire Staff, and then where shall I be? Two companies from the 26th went over to a landing near Mississippi scouting, they landed, marched along, when a masked battery opened on them; they retreated to their boats in season to prevent their being cut off by some cavalry. 

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 7-Friday
     A very cold and windy day
     One of these steamers that came in last night is a Mud Steamer belonging to Secesh she seems or did seem from New Orleans to Mobile. and was taken by the New London with a mail on board. it was armed with 4 large Guns as large as any we have in use in the service.
     A Gunboat came in this morn and brings news from the Idaho she is at Key West having landed her troops there on account of severe weather. as soon as the sea becomes smooth she will come on her way to this port. this Gunboat is one of 30 that have been made for this expedition and are coming here. this one is to wait until the Major General comes the 13 &14 Maine are coming here. also the Western Bay State.
     The ground has been laid out for the Post Office & Express Office this morn.
     A Ship and Schooner have just arrived time 10 AM said to be the North America.
     Battalion drill to day consist ed in the loading & firings by Battalion. I am in command.
     The name of the prize mentioned above. is the Calhoun she had a cargo of 300,000 worth of powder on board when captured, which was some 6 weeks since.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Friday 7
     Fine again all quiet and no
     News stirring in the camp.
     The men all well and contented.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March 6, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 6-Thursday
     Very windy and cold this morning.
     A mail arrived here to day Capt & Lieut each had letters but I none papers from the north of the 12 of Feb confirm the accounts of a battle at Roanoke Island and it is a decided victory for us.
     Col Jones made a remark to his man that Beauregard & Jeff Davis were both captured but I do not place much reliance upon it.
     Robert Dale sent to the Fort under charges of disobedience preferred by me. he has been repeatedly insolent and saucy to both commissioned and non commissioned officers this I think may cure him. he was talking in the ranks against strict orders to the contrary. Corporal England spoke to him but he did not stop. but instead told said Corporal that it was none of his d-d business and when ordered out to [---] by me. he said to use his own words I ain’t going to do it. when I immediately ordered Serg’t Foster to take him to the gaurd house. this evening I prefered charges against him this evening as above.
     Tonight I find that there are some 27 men on our rolls that the paymaster will not pay on our roll. as we have no proof that they have been mustered. so I do not know how we can arrange it for them. but it must be done some how. for the men must have their pay.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Thursday 6
     A cold morn.  the Pensacola arrived
     Last night with 2 Gun Boats in
     Convoy the mails Came[?] to day
     In the Rhode Island.  my hand is
     Lame yet the R Island sailed
     This PM.

Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5, 1862

Qr. Master Sergt. Howe:
From a Letter:
     Ship Island, Wednesday, March 5, 1862.
     I suppose ere this you have received letters from me and I imagine father has told you all the news. However, word from me that " all is well" is everything to you. February 28th was monthly inspection and muster for pay, all the troops on the island were reviewed by the General and his Staff. The day was warm and many fell out of the ranks exhausted while passing in review. One day it is warm, another, cold. A gunboat, named the New London, went on an excursion to Biloxi and Colonel Butler went on her. They approached to within a mile of the town, then took a skiff, with a howitzer, and landed. They went to the Post Office, found the New Orleans and Mobile papers, four days old, took forty muskets and sundry other things. The people did not dare to interfere. One man said, "You have got my boy over there, haven't you?" Butler replied, "Yes, paying him thirty-five dollars per month in the Quartermaster's department." A number of boys were standing around in utter amazement. Their papers stated that the Yankees had whipped them in Tennessee and in Kentucky, had taken twenty-three regiments and captured Roanoke Island, with three thousand troops, and had burned Elizabethtown. I hope this is all true. The papers contained a minute account of the number of our troops here and our situation. I would walk the distance home if I could get hold of one of these fellows. I always regarded Van den Huysen, nephew of Jeff. Davis, as a knave. He slept in my stateroom a while, when we were coming on, until I told him to leave. He was Quartermaster's Sergeant of the cavalry. They are now in New Orleans.
     I went aboard the gunboat South Carolina the other day, she is the last boat that left with the mail and she took her prize, the Magnolia) loaded with cotton, along with her. Captains Read and Durevauge, with Lieutenant Perkins and a crew, went over to Horn Island last Saturday on a scout. A storm arose and they were gone over their time, which they had set for their return. All felt anxious, as no one had ever been there. Tuesday night the New London started in search of them, and ran across them as they were coming back, at the head of Ship Island. They had landed on Horn Island, found two hundred head of cattle, killed ten, cut them up, filled the boat and returned, after an absence of four days. They found a contraband in a shanty eating a portion of a dead creature; he had gone out fishing from Patapsco and drifted away. He had been there four days and was lazy and numb. I got rid of my own negro and turned him off, and took an enlightened man from the North in his place. He made some capital flshballs for dinner. I wish Lizzie and Fran. could see some of these genuine contrabands, I think it would change their ideas somewhat. Chaplain Cleaveland is liked very much here. I fitted his tent for him. I received a letter by the Pensacola, she has sailed again. All are anxious to go on the main land.

     I am,

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 5-Wednesday
     Had a tremendous shower last night. I do not believe it ever rained harder and blew so hard it seemed as though our tent would blow down over our heads. the weather this morn is cleared off and quite cool.
     Captain Reed and his party have safely returned and in good order. bringing with them 9 carcases of beef they have killed and one negro not killed. it means they have been over to Horn Island and found this Beeves and killed them. today we had some Beef Steak for dinner and a fresh Beef soup for supper.
     The Rhode Island arrived here this morning from the Galveston leaves here tomorrow morn at 8 or 9 O Clock. I have written a letter to Jane to send by her.
     Lieut Lovrien on gaurd today in command of Company in company drills also Battalion had a very fine Battalion drill never have more pleased with the manner in which our men done there work.
     New London took 2 deserters from the Rebel Army to day they took advantage of the storm, and stole a boat. and made there escape New London took them on board and carried them to the Rhode Island who carries them to Boston or N. York.
     A large Ship accompanied by a gun Boat came in tonight I have not ascertained her name.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Wednesday, March 5, 1862.
     A cold morn had a fire this morn
     In the tent had a hard blow all
     Night and some rain.  Capt
     Reed of the MRR and some
     Other went to sail and have not
     Been heard from since the Gun
     Boat Rhode[?] Island arrived this PM
     The Rangers have returned with a
     Number of Beefs and Niggers that
     They had got at horn[?] island where they
     Had been gunning.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 4-Tuesday
     Windy and cool day.
     Battallion drill this P.M. under Major Paine. formed Square. and Countermarch Battalion. had a very good drill considering how the wind blew.
     Tonight we have a report that Lieut Willey and some 10 or 12 privates of the 26th Regiment. who were up on the upper end of the Island chopping wood were surrounded by a party of Rebels who came in a boat from Secesh and landed surprised these men and took them away.
     I also learn that Capt Reed had some 8 or 10 privates with him when he went away. & that he went without leave.
     Capt Fessenden is before a court of examination for getting drunk while Officer of the day on day before yesterday. he is of the 12th Maine Reg’t.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Tuesday 4
     A fine day they began to pay
     Off the 9th Conn to day it will
     Be our turn next.  the new
     London is after a craft on the
     Rebel shore.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March 3, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 3-Monday
     A very stormy night last night Rain blow Thunder & Lighting very severe.
     This morning it is very cold so cold we have to put on our overcoats in order to be comfortable. to say nothing about being warm.
     Today I have been down and compared our Muster rolls Gen. Phelps, Col French, Orderly John & myself constitute the 5 witnesses required. find them to compare perfectly and with some few alternations the Gen. pronounced them correct. left one copy with him for the Adjutant General. 2 with Pay-master and kept one for our own use.
     I hear to night that Capts. Read of mounted Rifles, Darwin, of Cavalry & Solon Perkins attemp ted to come down from the upper end of the Island down to our encampment. and have not been heard from since. it is supposed they were driven over upon the rebel shore. if so no doubt they will be prisoners in the hands of the Rebels.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Monday 3
     This is a very cold windy morning
     A regular New England March
     Day.  Stove had a good fire in the
     Tents all day my hand lame yet.

Friday, March 2, 2012

March 2, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 2-Sunday
     Quite warm and pleasant this morn formed a line for inspection at 8 ½ A.M. wheeled into column and inspections by company commander also inspections of Quarter by our selves.
     The news of our victory in Kentucky is confirmed by a New Orleans paper of 4 days ago. which Col Jones got over to Biloxi yes-terday in which it recognizes the likes of 25 Regiments or about 12,000 men. and a large number of Roanoke Island also also that we have possesion of Columbus. in Kentucky and of Nashville Tennesee. if this is so the backbone of Secession is surely broken.
     A number of men from our Reg’t this morning went up to Connecticut ninth, Catholic meeting where they have a priest.
     A member of M. Rifle Rang (Rangers) died this morn and was buried this P.M. by that Company. and a portion of light Calvary Company.
     Services this afternoon by Rev. Dr. Cleveland. subject 3rd Command ment. Swear not at all. he gave us a very good sermon. did a short one as he had the above named funeral to attend to. Close by repeating the Lords prayer in which he request ed the Regiment to join.
     Ruell N. Geenleay and 71 others passed in a petition to day for the removal of Wm. B. Smith from the cooking department reasons they allege are these first that he is cross, second that he shows partiality and various other reasons that are utterly unfounded. we have commenced by putting the 3 first men on the list in as cooks for 3 days. and are a going to follow the list down in rotation I think it will bring them to their senses.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Sunday, March 2, 1862.
     Fine again we have had a regimen-
     tal inspection this morning.  it
     Is very hot here.  we have had good
     News from our army in kentucky
     And all round the new land??? event
     Over to boloxi and took the only
     Gun they had the inhabitants
     Appeared very civil to our men.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 1, 1862

2d Lieut. Elliot:
     March 1-Saturday
     Another very warm and pleasant day. Lieut and his gang are at work on our log house.
     I have been on business up to General Phelps with J.M.G. Parker about a boy he want-ed placed upon our roll. we have put him on it on these conditions namely that he is to be placed on daily duty with Parker and to be learned to drum when he will be placed upon the drum Corp we to have credit for his and Hatchs rations and it will come out of the company fund.
     The Pensacola has come in to day from Key West and accompanied by one of the National Gaurd ships with provisions for the fleet a move is taken if from here in some direction the South Carolina sailed from here this morning with her prize the Magnolia for Boston. she also carried the mail in which I send two letters to my wife.
     Capt had his swelling cut open to night I hope he will improve after it then seems to be nothing but a swollen gland this being our holiday and no drills since morning we stroll around a little & see the sights. they are not numerous but what they are we must see.
     The slabs of wood have come for Eastmans head and foot. stones I am to paint and letter it a mark I shall leave behind me for some ones to look at and wonder about.

Corpl. B. B. Smith:
     Saturday, March 1
     Another fine day nothing to do
     But 2 drills to day.  this afternoon
     Is[?] washing clothes through Camp.
     The Steamer Pensacola and Ship
     National Guard arrived this PM.
     There is nothing of consequence
     Stirring.  but Camp Stores