April 30-Wednesday
Weather warm and pleasant as usual.
At Quarantine 9 ½ morning wrote letter
to Jane this morning John getting better. A little rain at noon.
The scenery along the river is very
beautiful. Orange groves in abun dance. some magnificent Plantation
along river but few signs of friends along the whole route. The first
time I ever saw a plantation being worked is to day I have seen a
number and they all seem content-ed and happier no doubt than if free
and have the care of life to contend against no care no trouble when
their days work is over dance and sing and then you see a Negro
con-cert in reality.
Dr. Cleavland exasperated Col Dudley
and many other Officers of our Regiment, by giving a very strong
Abolition speech and I am in favor of having a stop put to it, it is
not right we are not Slave catchers, or liberators when we come to
that I must go home, it is the Union as it has been, and Abolition of
Slavery. I want and the majority of our Regiment are the same Col
Dudley is a thorough Dem-ocrat. and will not fight for Niggers any
more than I will and we are not alone.
Corpl. B. B. Smith:
Wednesday 30
Fine day. Genl Inspection. we started
Up the river again this morn. it is
Very fine and beautiful. there is some
Very large & fine plantations along Up the
River. there is some very large sugar
Fields with any amount of slaves of both
Sex at work. the scenary here is the
Finest i ever see. 2 large gunboats
Been down cheering as they went
Which we returned with interest.
Corpl. B. B. Smith:
Wednesday 30
Fine day. Genl Inspection. we started
Up the river again this morn. it is
Very fine and beautiful. there is some
Very large & fine plantations along Up the
River. there is some very large sugar
Fields with any amount of slaves of both
Sex at work. the scenary here is the
Finest i ever see. 2 large gunboats
Been down cheering as they went
Which we returned with interest.